Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona and Cowards

I may need to redefine my definition of "panic". Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the Chicken Little of The Century award winner. This guy has panicked so much and so often in the last two weeks as to eliminate anyone else from even being considered. Today he is claiming that 80% of New York state residents will get the corona virus. No other area on the planet has reached that level. Let's wait and do the Census in December, just in case he's right.

Kenny Rogers passed away Friday evening. Waiting for someone to call in to a radio station and dedicate "Coward of the County" to Andrew Cuomo.

Democrats in the Senate voted against the corona virus bailout bill. They are not afraid, they are just stupid. They will blame Trump for their actions, as they always do. Maybe, if they just could put their hatred for Trump aside for a couple of days?

If there's a God in heaven, Greta Thunberg,  Schumer, Pelosi, and The Squad will all get the corona virus.

Cuomo is upset with New York residents because they are not all cowering in a closet at home like he is. Why do politicians think that they are all so much smarter than we are? Probably because we were stupid enough to vote for them.

I don't have all of the data, but based on news reports, all of the corona victims seem to be Hollywood celebrities, politicians, and athletes. Alfred E. Neuman said it best, "What me worry?"

In the Southern society where hugs are a part of daily life, I am famous as "the man who will not hug." The day before my last aunt  died, I was at her bedside with other cousins. As one cousin  prepared to leave, she said "Gilbert, are you going to give me a hug?" My aunt sat up and said, "He's not a hugger." That was the last words that I heard her say.

The two most liberal states in the Union are the hardest hit by the corona virus. I don't think that there is a political relationship. I do believe that there is a relationship to the diverse cultures of the states that have the higher rates of the disease.

I saw a headline yesterday, "How long before you can tell jokes about Corona?" I didn't read the story, but I heard a pretty tasteless joke about the Challenger explosion the next day. I will wait another day or two.


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