Sunday, March 15, 2020

Finger Lickin' Good??

Whiners are complaining about the KFC "finger licking good" ads. They claim that the ads encourage bad behavior in people while eating, such as touching their faces.
I spent more than 45 years watching people eat in restaurants, allow me to enlighten you. The Readers Digest version is this, People are Pigs. Touching their faces? That may be the body part least touched while dining. People pick their noses while eating. People run their hands through their hair and then use those hands to pick up food. I have seen people change a child's diaper on a restaurant table and then eat at that table. People will put a paper towel on their hand to open a restroom door, but won't flush a toilet. I always wonder what their bathroom looks like at home? Don't even get me started about how people behave when out on a date. They handle body parts that can transmit STDs and then use their hands to eat. If you want the complete experience, you should watch people feed small children from their plate of food. I am surprised that kids get old. I spent a lifetime cleaning restaurant restrooms, you people are swine. If the health department inspected home kitchens and bathrooms, many of you would be "closed".
So if you are one who finds KFC ads offensive, find something serious to whine about. Those ads are just art imitating life.
Rant Over!!


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