Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tactless Tuesday 1.0

The House will vote today to condemn President Trump's remarks about the "Gang of Four". Naturally, they are taking no actions on any of the remarks made by the "Gang of Four". They have actual control over their own members. But Pelosi is afraid to piss off anyone other than white males.

Why are attacks on white people not "racist" comments??

Joe Biden has challenged Trump to a push-up competition. He has previously threatened to fight Trump. Joe Biden is a sane guy like Islam is the "Religion of Peace".

I always hear that white people can't understand the problems of "people of color". I guess the idea that "people of color" don't understand white people is beyond the grasp of broadcasters and Democrats.

Is there anything in the country that isn't racist??

NASCAR is trying to get more minorities involved in auto racing. Is there a program in the NBA to get more rednecks to play basketball?? Is the NFL combing the playgrounds looking for white defensive backs?? Is Major League Baseball looking for English speakers??

Impeach Roy Cooper. That was a word from our sponsor.

The rows in the tobacco fields have all filled out nicely and the crop is growing faster than those plugs on Joe Biden' head.

Heading to the Trump MAGA rally in Greenville tomorrow.

A young lady approached me at the Raleigh Flea Market on Saturday and asked if I knew where she could buy some brass knuckles. I guess that she couldn't find the Antifa booth.

The Greensboro Gun Show is August 24-25. My favorite flag vendor, Albert (no relation) Jones will be there. Albert is famous for standing in the bar at the Peabody Hotel and shouting across the room  at Kirk Lyons (the wannabe Klansman), " I got your g** d**** granny hanging right here, Kirk".

Fred Sanford, the "Original" American Picker.


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