Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday Moans and Groans Ver 7.15

Just a few random thoughts on a Monday evening.

Who had ever heard of Megan Rapinoe before her protest started? Frankly, I have caught my limit on angry lesbians.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar wants to help seniors by eliminating any "loopholes" in trust fund taxation. You may as well go ahead and leave everything in your will to the government. I just don't think that it is fair to tax the dead.

Illegal immigrants wanting to avoid the "concentration camps" should stay in their own frigging countries.

Why hasn't Congress reviewed the tax returns of the incredibly dense AOC?? She wants to raise taxes, but I doubt that she even declared all of her income as a bartender. I spent my life as a restaurant manager and I have NEVER had a tipped employee report all of their tips for tax purposes.

Joe Biden and his wife have made about $15 million since he left the Vice-President's office. Isn't it amazing that politicians and their families make huge money after leaving office? This is made possible by the deferred payments of bribes. They can't take the money while in office, so they get it when they retire. Examples are Clinton speech fees and Michelle Obama's book tour. Nobody is paying $3000 a seat to listen to Michele talk for two hours about how she hates the country and how racist all of the white people are. To be fair, this is a technique used to facilitate payoffs to members of both parties.

Fascinated by Democrats who become financially well off and THEN become socialists.

In this country, we penalize people for succeeding and reward those who fail. Then we wonder why more people don't succeed.

In a similar vein, on your income tax return, you can deduct mortgage interest that you pay, but you pay taxes on interest  earned on savings. Then we wonder why people don't save??

A recent Gallup Poll reveals that conservatives are consistently more proud of their country then are liberals. This further cements my belief that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Make North Carolina Great Again, Impeach Roy Cooper!!


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