Monday, July 15, 2019

MNCGA, Impeach Roy Cooper

In case you can't decipher the title of this post, it means Make North Carolina Great Again, Impeach Governor Roy Cooper.

Why impeach Cooper? That list is way too long for this space, so I will just go with his latest transgression. Roy is involved with a lawsuit alleging that two constitutional amendments APPROVED by voters in the last election are unconstitutional. He claims that the legislature that approved placing these amendments on the ballot is racially gerrymandered, and as such has no legal authority to act. Basically, Roy is attempting to suppress the will of the electorate.

Roy was the State Attorney General for 16 years. During that time, North Carolina had the most racially-gerrymandered Congressional District in the nation. The famed 12th District ran from northern Guilford County to the state line south of Charlotte. It was the I-85 district. In some places, it was only a couple of blocks wide. Apparently, in the Cooper mindset, it is okay to racially gerrymander districts to guarantee a black candidate being elected. Sorry, I just don't understand the logic in this.

Roy is opposed to two amendments the voters passed. One is a cap on state income tax rates, the other requires voter ID. Why do Democrats all complain about foreign interference in our elections, but are unwilling to ask for an ID to vote?? If you run into that sack of crap living in the Governor's Mansion, ask him!!


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