Saturday, January 18, 2020

You never know how much it means

Received this message from my older son Walter, a couple of hours ago

You never know how much it means....
I got this truck from my Uncle Bobby who served in Vietnam. He had this license plate on the front. I've left it on for the years that I've owned the truck, have thought about replacing it a couple of times but stopped because it reminds me of him and I believe it's an important message. One of the corners is broken and its dirty and worn but it's still there. At a gun show a few weeks ago, I looked for a new one. They had plenty of plates for the recent middle eastern conflicts but no POW/MIA plates. I asked the guy running the booth and he told me they just didn't sell. Ok, I'll order it online.
Today I am at the gas station vacuuming the truck out. I catch movement out of the corner of my eye at the rear of the truck. It is a middle aged lady. With tears in her eyes she thanked me for my license plate. She went on to explain that her father was captured in Vietnam and was one of the POWs who never got to return. Today was his birthday and she was so grateful to see people remember his sacrifice. With that she turned around and was gone.
I went home and ordered a new plate.


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