Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Democrats vote to committ suicide by "The Squad"

Yesterday in Washington, House Democrats voted for a resolution declaring President Trump's comments as "racist".

Memo to Dems: People are tired of this shit. Every time something happens to a Democrat, they label others as "racists". Sorry guys, but "racists" has been so overused that it just doesn't carry any weight any more. Nobody cares if you call them a racist, because you call everybody a "racist". Pack it in!!

The Democrats are betting the farm on "The Squad". Yes, a major political party is betting their future on (pardon my being insensitive) four whacko broads who are being glorified by your ass-licking liberal friends who dominate the media. Good luck at trying to convince mainstream Americans that they should believe in these four wing nuts.

Do you think that anyone will notice that while you failed to actually do anything about the anti-Semitic comments by at least one of "The Squad" members, you leaped on the President for having the audacity to disagree with "The Squad"?? Do you really believe that the majority of Americans are buying the swill being pushed by "The Squad" or is this just another scam being hustled by your friends at MSNBC or CNN??

The only thing more disgusting than the actions of the Democratic Party is the lack of action by the media. Even as the media tries to turn members of "The Squad" into gods, eventually Americans will realize that their gods have brains of clay.


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