Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona Questions??

Is the news media driving this crisis? Is this a manipulated crisis for political gain??

If your answer was no, answer these questions.
What happened to the opioid epidemic?
What's going on with global warning?
What happened to the Presidential election?
How many people have died of the flu?

Moving on, these thoughts.

Why are the three most liberal states in the nation the ones with the most serious outbreaks of the corona virus? Is there a cultural factor in the disease? Do liberal policies lay the ground work for an epidemic to spread?

How do the numbers of COVID-19 deaths compare to the number of those who have died from the flu? Currents estimates for flu deaths this season are around 25,000.

How does the number of deaths from COVID-19 compare to auto accidents? In 2019, the National Safety Council estimates that there were 38,800 deaths from car accidents. Also, 4.4 million people needed medical attention from accidents.

State governments are shutting down businesses and schools. How much stress can the public handle? Will there be an increase in domestic violence situations? As businesses fail and the economy falters, will there be an increase in suicides? How long before government shutdowns lead to open rebellion by an enraged population?

Before we place the fate of the nation in the hands of the CDC and other medical "experts", let's take a long look at their ability to accurately foretell the future. Let's look at the accuracy of their past forecasts. That's what any rational person would do.

The media is incensed that President Trump is not as firm a believer as they would like.  He made a statement today that is driving them crazy.

This from the AP:
In all capital letters, he tweeted: “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself. At the end of the 15-day period, we will make a decision as to which way we want to go.” His suggestion that the remedies may be more harmful than the outbreak contradicts the advice of medical experts across the country.

Let's try something new and let the people decide. If you want to hole up at home and wait to die, go for it. Let the rest of us live.


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