Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Feeding Frenzy??

Before we place the fate of the world with doctors and pharmaceutical companies, try to remember who we were attacking a few weeks ago for the opioid epidemic. It's amazing how quickly things change, isn't it? Your doctor tells you to exercise, lose weight, quit smoking, and you ignore it. They say "Corona" and you go hide in a closet. Why? Because the "crisis" is being driven by "news sources" determined to bring the country down. Like other tyrants, they keep hitting you with the same message over and over until everyone believes. Joseph Goebbels is somewhere wishing that he could have been on CNN. If you don't believe they are doing that, ask yourself when you last saw a headline about opioids.  Heard anything bad about "Big Pharma" this week? Your mind is being manipulated by the media. You might want to ask why.
About forty years ago, Dr. Hector Rivera told me, "If you think that you are sick, you are. If you think that you are well, you are." I have decided to pass on getting  this illness.
Make it a good day!!


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