Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday Morning Moans

 The same people who don't want you talking about sex at work want teachers to talk to your six-year-old at school about it.

A poll showed that 71% of the people think that Putin is responsible for high gas prices. I have talked to a lot of people about gas prices and exactly no one has mentioned Putin as the cause. Would a pollster or the media distort the truth?  Does a bear take a newspaper into the woods?

Why doesn't an invasion of our country cause liberals to react like the invasion of Ukraine?  Fewer Russians have crossed into Ukraine than illegals have crossed into Texas. We are arming Ukraine while Democrats systematically weaken the Border Patrol here. Let's send the Marine Corps to the Mexican border. 

In California, a school superintendent was placed on paid leave after making racist remarks about Chinese students and their families. She is black. It's time to quit pretending that racism is the exclusive property of white people.  Everybody has some racist in them. 

Twitter announced that they are banning ads that deny the science in "climate change". If only there were some real science in climate change?

Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter and allow "free speech". Twitter employees are opposed to this because they think that allowing people to post uncensored content will destroy "free speech". Obviously, the Twitter staff does not understand the concept of "free speech". 

I keep hearing liberals say about immigrants crossing at the southern border, "We need a pathway to citizenship." News Flash!! We have a "pathway to citizenship" in our immigration laws. These people are all trying to take the shortcut.

"Gigolo John" Kerry told the Boston Herald that he will not release information they sought until November of 2024. The newspaper had filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act for data about Kerry's salary, expenses, and staffing as Biden's "climate Czar". Look for this to be in a court case soon. 

Kerry is the same buffoon who was worried about war in Ukraine causing emissions issues, This from the guy who travels by private jet to climate change events. Even for a liberal, the hypocrisy is stunning.

Dr. Fauci is outraged that a judge thinks that she can overrule the CDC. I think that we need mandatory Civics classes for government employees. I also think that Biden needs to retire Fauci and that rug on his head.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Random Thought Thursday

 "Space Case" Kamala said that space causes us to "ask questions". Here's mine. What kind of idiots voted for a team consisting of an old leftist with dementia and a woman with acres of empty space between her ears? Who's writing this swill for her?  Kamala, call me!!

Jimmie Walker and his "dyn-o-mite" slogan were funny back in the 1970's, but I have caught my limit on that schtick in his Medicare commercials.   

Television commercials used to be better than many of the television shows. Now they are about as entertaining as the average social disease. Clap if you thought that was funny.

On Fox Network's "America's Newsroom" this morning, Black Lives Matter of Greater New York co-founder Hawk Newsome, called New York City mayor Eric Adams, a "coon". Liberals apparently are awed by the sheer eloquence of Mr. Newsome as I can find no negative comments about his remark. The "race hustlers" are in fact, the real racists.

If you didn't catch Sleepy Joe's answer to a reporter's question this morning about Title 42, look it up. The video makes it clear that Biden's cognitive decline is not a theory from Fox to shorten his term. His comments about the mask court ruling mixed with the border issue are "revealing". They are "revealing" that he is totally confused. I can't wait for his "scientists to conclude that we need Title 42".  

The best comment about this debacle was, "It was the reporter's fault. They misread the question that the White House staff had given them to read."

I saw an article about some company dropping a podcast series from Barry Obama. I keep hearing people rave about podcasts. Aren't podcasts just a radio show on a computer?

I actually believe that there is an excellent chance for Obama to have a great podcast series. He needs to talk about how he came to Earth on a UFO and just showed up at Harvard one day. That would explain why no one on the planet knew him when he was a child. That would also be a good way to explain Michelle. However, she obviously came on a bigger, sturdier, more manly UFO.

I see ads about products that will work on "all of your devices". I have tried lots of things, but I still can't get a good signal on my favorite table saw. Isn't that a device?

I am sick of seeing commercials for "manscaping". Thanks, but one bald spot is my limit. Not to mention that I cut my face regularly when I shave. There are some places that I don't want to stick a Band-Aid. 

As long as I am on this tirade about what I am tired of, this thought. I am tired of lawyers and insurance companies running commercials telling people that they can help them get what "they deserve". Do any of those folks "deserve" a job?

CNN+ announced that they are shutting down after three weeks of operation. They had to make that announcement so that the three people watching would not think that there was just something wrong with their television sets. 


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday Tales, Taunts, and Topics

 Nancy Pelosi has endorsed Charlie Crist in his race for the Governor of Florida. No word yet from Chuck the Schmuck Schumer on a possible endorsement.  I guess that AOC and the other Squad members will follow suit soon. Just go ahead and drop out, Charlie. 

Many years ago, some Democratic staffer called the restaurant and talked to my assistant manager. He wanted to know if they could make a campaign bus stop at the restaurant so that people could shake hands and meet with their Senatorial candidate. The dim Dem told my assistant that he had been told the manager and the owner were both staunch Democrats and would welcome the chance to help. The assistant told him that his information could not be any more wrong. He suggested that someone was playing a trick on the Dems. The guy then asked if he thought it would be okay to have them stop anyway. My assistant responded by telling him that I would probably have the bus towed away. We never saw the bus.

Saturday, my wife and I attended an area meeting of a national tool collecting club to which I belong. She said that she panicked for a moment when I got up to get a donut and she lost me in the crowd of old guys in plaid shirts. While there, I bought a couple of tools that I have never seen before. WOW!! Unusual tools and donuts!

Liberals are outraged that Florida has removed some math books due to alleged CRT content. Of course, these are the same loons who claim that math is "racist".  "How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways." At least I can count.

Advertising works by repeating the same message until you believe it. Shoot your television and block Facebook and Twitter from your computer. 

I am taking a load of scrap metal to Foss Recycling tomorrow. When I get back home with that $50, I am calling a broker and buying CNN.

Why didn't I say that I was buying CNN +? First, I don't even know what it is. Second, I don't think that it would take the whole $50.

I ate at a Waffle House in Concord a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned to the waitress that I had worked for the Waffle House long ago. She asked, "How long ago?"  I told her that I had worked with several of the people in the pictures of the old days at the Waffle House that were up on the wall. I pointed out one picture and told her, "That guy's name is Larry. I worked for him." She asked, "What did he do?" I told her, "He was an asshole." She laughed and said, "What does he do now?" I told her, "I am sure that he's still an asshole." She laughed and walked away to tell another waitress about the pictures. Sorry, Larry. I could not tell a lie.

The left wants to teach children that there are 57 genders. Their problem is that most kids can't count that high and can't grasp how many 57 actually is. They should stick with two genders until they get rid of the racist and sexist math. 

If Elon Musk is allowed to buy Twitter, the world will end in five years. Musk is faster than climate change. Pass it on!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday Moans and Groans

 I woke up this morning and Joe Biden is still President. I guess that I am not Bobby, and this isn't "Dallas". It's not a dream, it is still a nightmare.

This weekend NASCAR covered up a concrete racetrack with dirt and called it a dirt track race. They should have covered it with water and had a boat race.

I am fascinated by all of the lawsuits about opioid drugs and the huge cash settlements accompanying them. I find it interesting that absolutely no one sued the FDA for approving these drugs. In addition to that, it's not like we just found out that opium-based products are addictive. In the early nineteenth century we had people going to "opium dens" to indulge in their addiction. Did people think that we had come up with a "non-addictive" opium?

In our culture, someone else is always responsible for the stupid mistakes that people make. At least that is what the lawyer ads all tell us.

The other day Jen Suckey said, "We aren't sending the President to Ukraine." Inquiring minds want to know, who is "WE"? Who is it who makes the President's travel decisions? Who is it who makes any of his decisions? Does he make any of them?

Sleepy Joe came to Greensboro last Thursday. At the end of his speech, he turned and extended his hand to shake hands with no one. There was not a human within ten feet of Joe. He then turned around and found some people on the other side of the stage. You would think that one of his handlers would have jumped up to shake hands with him. 

I guess that Biden found his way back to the airport. I didn't see any news reports of an old child molester wandering the streets of Greensboro.

Today is tax deadline day. I filed an extension. They have borrowed enough that they don't need my money today.

Building inventory in my "Stuff for Sale" emporium, I bought about 250 wrenches and 150 sockets at an auction on Friday. Coming to an antique show near you soon. In the meantime, moving all of that steel was my exercise for the day.

Biden is allowing the use of extra ethanol fuels this summer. Call me a doubter, but I think that burning your groceries to power your car will guarantee that groceries cost more in the fall. 

Let's Go Brandon!!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

I Hate Ken Burns

 Sometime in the last couple of weeks, I sat down to watch the Ken Burns attack on Benjamin Franklin. I am unsure about why I even turned the television on, as everything Burns does pisses me off at some point in the presentation. I even hated his series on baseball. 

Burns did not disappoint me, as somewhere near the eighteen-minute mark in the opening episode, I cut off the television and slammed the remote control to the floor. 

Given everything that Franklin did in his life, devoting large segments of the show to discussions of his being a slaveowner, seemed senseless. This is how liberals measure accomplishment now. It doesn't matter what you did, did you own slaves? Once again, liberals measure actions of 250 years ago by our moral standards today. Is this even fair? This is how you punish someone for breaking a law that did not exist at the time that they lived. The only good thing about this is that it showed that slavery also existed in the Northern states. This is contrary to what dumbasses and college grads, which may be redundant, believe is true today. 

The only good news is that Burns is getting older and will soon be racing Biden in the Dementia Derby. 

PBS continues to expand the "vast wasteland" to the end of the universe. As I scanned stations this evening the PBS "News Hour?" was just coming on. The opening line was "Police kill another unarmed black man". No mention of the black guy who shot ten unarmed black people in the New York subway station. I will vote for the first son of a bitch running for President who promises to "defund" PBS. This may be the most offensive use of our tax dollars.

Liberals want to ban the word "plantation" because it is connected to slavery. The word "money" is also connected to slavery, but I have heard no cry for it to be banned.

The Yankees criticized the South for plantations and then they brought manufacturing to the South. Manufacturing has always been a pursuit of cheap labor and the Yankees didn't fail on this count. "Plantation" was already in use, so they brought "company towns" and "mill villages". They also thrived on child labor, but everyone in the media seems to be quiet about that item.

I saw that Disney is planning to build 1300 units of affordable housing for their employees in Florida. If you get invited to a party there, you probably want to fake death or something close to get out of that invitation

Plantations, mill villages, and company towns are terms that all have negative connotations now, so Disney went to the politically correct handbook and pulled out "affordable housing". It's "affordable" until you get fired, laid off or quit.

Last, but certainly not least, the Saudis are ridiculing Kameltoe Harris and Sleepy Joe on their national television. Before the networks all went "woke", they did stuff like that on television in this country. 

Friday, April 01, 2022

Fortune Teller?

 I like to tell people that I grew up at the Waffle House. I worked there for more than six years and worked in several different jobs. Some of my best stories come from my Waffle House days. As some of you may have already guessed, many of those stories are unsuitable for online recounting. I'm saving them for my future job as a stand-up comic or as I age more quickly, a sit-down comic. But let's move on.

Every Waffle House had a jukebox. That was when they played 45's, not CDs or whatever technology they use now. The volume was controlled inside the machine by the company that serviced the machines. The Waffle House did not want the music at eardrum breaking levels. About once a month, we would get a letter from our office about volume settings. It was always the same message: If the music is loud enough to make your foot jump, it will make your stomach jump. There wasn't any hard rock on Waffle House jukeboxes. There was some pop, a little gospel and a whole lot of country. 

When I worked the night shift at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry, there was a waitress named Grace. Sometime during the early morning hours, Grace would hand me a quarter and say, "Go play some Conway Twitty and Freddie Hart songs." Do we become what we listen to? I don't know if I did, but it sure explains the behavior of a lot of people today. If you spend all of your time listening to "music(?)" celebrating the degradation of human beings and advocating violence, you will end up at the riots in your town.

Like I said, I grew up at the Waffle House. I like country music. In those wonderful years B.C (Before Children) my wife and I ventured out to a few concerts. In 1981, we had second row tickets to see Kenny Rogers at Van Wezel Hall (The Purple Cow) in Sarasota. At the start of the show, Rogers tossed about half a dozen tambourines to women in the crowd. A woman behind us jumped over and onto us to grab the tambourine headed to my wife. It's been more than forty years and my wife is still pissed about that. But live music is still great.

A couple of months ago, I purchased tickets for us to see Jimmy Fortune perform. Jimmy was with the Statler Brothers for twenty-one years and when they retired, since he was a lot younger than the others, he struck out on his own. I think that he has been on his own for about eighteen years. I am told that he is a tenor. I am not quite sure if that has any value to my knowledge set.

Jimmy was performing at the Isothermal Community College Foundation for Performing Arts Center. Now there's a mouthful. Anyway, it is located in Spindale, North Carolina in the area of North Carolina where my father's family is centered. Since that is a three-hour drive, we made it an overnight excursion. 

The Foundation Center is an excellent facility. They have a few side boxes at two levels where I intend to purchase seats on our next trip there. One box on the upper level reminded of the pictures of J.W. Booth leaping from at Ford's Theater. I suggested they name it "The Lincoln Box". I mentioned that to one of the employees and they mumbled something and laughed. I am not waiting for them to get back to me on that.

Anyway, we were on the aisle in the fifth row. Great seats!!  Fortune was accompanied by a girl who sang and played the fiddle/violin, an old guy with my hair style who played the bass, and a cowboy hat with a guy under it who played the guitar and sang. These folks were great musicians.

When Fortune came out, he said, "We are going to celebrate God and Country tonight!" I knew that we had picked the right concert. He started at 7:30 and they played until about 9:20 without any breaks. At one point, he took requests and answered questions from the audience. You can listen to tapes, CDs, vinyl records, and whatever that format on computers is called, but nothing is better than live music. My favorite song of his is "More than a name on a wall." He also wrote that song. I saw people crying when he sang it. It was very touching. 

Live performances are better than any recorded music. Not only is it real music, but the performers are actually "performing". Their egos are driven by the reaction of the audience, and you get a more spirited version than occurs in a studio. 

After the show, we lined up to get autographs and conversation with Jimmy. In the age of COVID, I was shocked when he extended his hand to me to shake hands. He talked to us for a couple of minutes, and we moved on. 

How do you finish a great evening like that?  If you are my wife and I, you stop at the Waffle House for a late dinner. Hell Yeah!!! If only I had put some money into the jukebox.