Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday Moans and Groans

 I woke up this morning and Joe Biden is still President. I guess that I am not Bobby, and this isn't "Dallas". It's not a dream, it is still a nightmare.

This weekend NASCAR covered up a concrete racetrack with dirt and called it a dirt track race. They should have covered it with water and had a boat race.

I am fascinated by all of the lawsuits about opioid drugs and the huge cash settlements accompanying them. I find it interesting that absolutely no one sued the FDA for approving these drugs. In addition to that, it's not like we just found out that opium-based products are addictive. In the early nineteenth century we had people going to "opium dens" to indulge in their addiction. Did people think that we had come up with a "non-addictive" opium?

In our culture, someone else is always responsible for the stupid mistakes that people make. At least that is what the lawyer ads all tell us.

The other day Jen Suckey said, "We aren't sending the President to Ukraine." Inquiring minds want to know, who is "WE"? Who is it who makes the President's travel decisions? Who is it who makes any of his decisions? Does he make any of them?

Sleepy Joe came to Greensboro last Thursday. At the end of his speech, he turned and extended his hand to shake hands with no one. There was not a human within ten feet of Joe. He then turned around and found some people on the other side of the stage. You would think that one of his handlers would have jumped up to shake hands with him. 

I guess that Biden found his way back to the airport. I didn't see any news reports of an old child molester wandering the streets of Greensboro.

Today is tax deadline day. I filed an extension. They have borrowed enough that they don't need my money today.

Building inventory in my "Stuff for Sale" emporium, I bought about 250 wrenches and 150 sockets at an auction on Friday. Coming to an antique show near you soon. In the meantime, moving all of that steel was my exercise for the day.

Biden is allowing the use of extra ethanol fuels this summer. Call me a doubter, but I think that burning your groceries to power your car will guarantee that groceries cost more in the fall. 

Let's Go Brandon!!


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