The Search for 100 morons is over!
I just located the 100 stupidest people in America. Yes, I am talking about the members of the United States Senate.
Today the Senate voted to make Daylight Saving Time permanent starting in 2023.
Given the situation in the world today, how did this make anybody's list of priorities? It passed unanimously so there is no one there smart enough to answer that question. I didn't check to see if anyone abstained from voting, so maybe I only found 98 stupid people.
Inflation is skyrocketing, gasoline is liquid gold, the grocery store shelves are empty, there's a war in a country Americans can't find on a map, there are eleven million jobs open, and yet the United States Senate thinks that this is their top priority.
I like to go to sleep early in the evening, the sun still shining at 9:00 PM is not a plus for me. I get up early in the morning. A December sunrise at 8:00 AM is not something that I look forward to seeing.
The COVID 19 crisis taught me that politicians don't know anything about science, and even less about math. Just for the record guys, that big piece of rock that we are circling the sun on, rotates. What this means is that the sun rises or sets at different times in the same time zone based on your location. Will you next vote to make every county their own time zone?
The article that I read was celebrating having another hour of daylight to be outside in the evening. Who in the hell is going outside in the evening in January with the thermometer reading 10 degrees?
In the winter, kids will be going to school with bus stops in pitch black darkness. How long before something bad happens in this situation? Would you send your kids out to wait by a busy street in the dark?
There are other possibilities other than the Senate is the nation's prized collection of morons. Maybe dementia is contagious, and they have all been exposed too much to Joe Biden. The House members get it from exposure to Pelosi.
Maybe I am just overreacting here. Maybe this is not as stupid as I think. Maybe this is the most important thing for the Senate to do right now. No, I don't believe any of those things. What I do believe is that the Senate should adjourn to the steps of the Capitol to enjoy that extra hour of sunlight tonight. While they are outside in that brightness, they can use that light to see how to pull their heads out of their asses and see what's important in this country today. Hint: It ain't permanent Daylight Saving Time.
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