Saturday, March 05, 2022

Killing the Biden Family Cash Cow?

 Our latest war does not appear to be following the script. Depending on your news source, the Russians are either being slaughtered, or they have a 50-mile-long convoy on a leisurely drive to Kiev.

For the past several years the Biden family has made a good living from their influence peddling to Ukraine. Pendojoe, his brother, and the famed crackhead Hunter have all been slopping at the Ukranian trough. Or as Sleepy Joe would say, "The Iranian" trough. Biden's dementia is so bad that he can't even remember which country is giving him payoffs. If Pendejoe can't save the Ukraine from the Russians, the cash flow to the Biden family bank accounts will dry up quickly. 

Americans have seen gas go up about fifty cents a gallon in the last ten days. Americans will spend billions more on gas so that Joe's payoffs from the Ukraine will keep flowing. Meanwhile, Biden continues to buy high priced oil from the Russians. If you understand this, reply in writing immediately. 

Donald Trump was able to keep us out of wars for his four years, but in fifteen months Biden has us almost in another war. Why?

More than 100 years ago, George Santayana wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Those who doubt these words are invited to watch the news and reconsider their opinions. We have traveled this road many times before.

For some reason, American politicians would rather support a corrupt government than an average communist government. Politicians claim to hate Communism, but every day they vote to bring more socialist policies to the US. In Korea, we supported a corrupt government in their fight against a Communist government. In Vietnam, we did the same thing. In Iran in 1953, the CIA and the British MI6 overthrew a legitimately elected government to bring back our favorite dictator, the Shah. How much money was flowing to the pockets of politicians in these cases??

Americans are outraged that Putin would invade the Ukraine. They claim that we would never do this kind of thing. Have they heard of Afghanistan? There we not only invaded, but we stayed twenty years and squandered hundreds of billions of dollars. For what?  Didn't anyone in our score of intelligence agencies pay attention to what happened to the Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan? We invaded Iraq to affect a change in that country's leadership. Maybe if Putin claimed that Ukraine had "weapons of mass destruction", no one would have noticed the invasion. Let's not leave out our invasion of Panama to change the leadership there.  We sent troops to Grenada to rescue college students getting sunburned on the beach. We have sent troops to Haiti so often that we should just build a Marine Corps base there.  What gives us the right to do these things?

The Monroe Doctrine was about the Western Hemisphere. Now we have taken our policeman role worldwide. Did we check with any of the other large countries to get their opinions on this? If we believe that we are the world's policeman, why can't Russia believe that they also hold that role? Why not the Chinese?

Make no mistake about it, I think that the United States is the greatest country on earth. I also believe that sometimes we spend too much energy reading our press releases. Let's take care of our problems at home before telling the neighbors how to live.

I think that democracy is the best form of government for us. I also believe that democracy isn't for everyone. It has failed in several places where it has been tried. 

We talk about freedom all of the time here. But every day, our freedoms are diminished a little more. Liberals are trying to silence opposing opinions in this country. What's Pendejoe's stand on this? 

Freedom failed in Canada a couple of weeks ago, but we didn't invade Ontario. Did we offer to send aid to those truck drivers? Of course, Sleepy Joe didn't do that. He told Justin Fidelita Trudeau to use his "federal powers" to end the protests. Freedom died on the streets of Ottawa.

If we want to be outraged by Putin invading other countries, then we need to stop doing the exact same thing. Monkey see, monkey do. I can't believe that Putin hasn't mentioned the obvious hypocrisy of the United States.

Do you think that Russia is the only country that may do something like this?  What's our plan when China invades Taiwan? Is Mark Milley still busy trying to understand "white rage"? What are his thoughts on Asian rage? 

Here's a quick history point. In World War 2, Russians, both soldiers and civilians, died by the millions fighting Nazi Germany. They kept the pressure on the Germans, while the United States and Great Britain built up their forces in Europe and North Africa for the invasion of Europe at Normandy.  Without the sacrifices of all of those millions of Russians, we might not have won that war. Maybe we should talk the current situation out. But liberals like Biden won't do this because this is what they are doing to people in this country who disagree with them. They want to strip you of your voice, your possessions, your right to earn a living, and even your children for having a different view than they do. Those who purport to be "understanding" are only that way if you agree with them on everything.

Last, but certainly not least, the United States and other nations are taking actions against "Oligarchs". I checked the dictionary definition of oligarch. It usually refers to rich Russians who have political influence. We have the same kind of thing in the United States. We have wealthy people with tremendous political clout. They are people like Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, the Rockefellers, Mark Zuckenburg, the Koch Brothers, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. What happens at some time in the future if a foreign nation decides to seize their assets because the US invaded some country? 

At the end of the day, we are involved in a European war because one of the nations has the Biden Family on their payroll and the other nation knows that Joe is a demented idiot.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Most excellent


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