Sunday, February 13, 2022

Stupor Boll Sunday

 Millionaires from across the land will gather in Los Angeles today for the Stupor Boll. This is where they will spend millions of dollars to be entertained by a group of millionaires throwing, catching, and running with a ball. The entertainers or "players" as some call them, all claim to be oppressed, despite making millions of dollars to play a game that children play for free. At halftime, the bigots in the stands will be entertained by another group of oppressed millionaires playing something that one may or may not believe is music. Trigger alert!! The group of millionaires performing in the halftime show are fairly liberal with their use of the "enword".  If you don't understand "enword", say it aloud a few times. Even the slow among you will figure it out.

If you cannot afford to go to the game, it is on television for the peasants to view. The only problem with watching it on television is that you don't get the full game experience. If you are at the game, you can walk in places where there was a homeless camp only a few days ago.  While you can't get the full homeless experience, you can probably just smell the urine and the feces and imagine the rest. I heard that they were doing patdowns for attendees to see that no one was going to smuggle a "F*ck Biden" tee shirt into the stadium. As they are checking for Confederate battle flags at the California state line, you won't have to worry about being seen next to one of those. The good thing about being there is that you won't have to watch an endless line of commercials on television as ass-licking corporate sponsors see who can be more woke than the others.  Trump said it best, "Everything woke turns to shit".

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. If you are one of the many who overindulge in alcohol during the viewing of the Stupor Bowl, here's a tip. Go ahead and apologize in advance tonight, or it's not going to be a good day for you on Valentime's Day tomorrow. 

Valentine's Day? Who came up with a day celebrating love with the initials V.D.? 

Valentine's Day is a great day in the restaurant business.  Even the Waffle House has specials for Valentine's Day. I spent 21 years running a pancake house and it was a busy day even for us. If you didn't make reservations anywhere and you have to take your sweetheart out to dinner, the pancake house is better than Mickey D's. The last few years at the pancake house, I ran a prime rib dinner special to help out those guys who failed to plan ahead. We always sold out of prime rib on Valentine's Day. If you bring your sweetheart to a pancake house, trust me, at least one of you is ordering the prime rib.

Yesterday, at the Civil War seminar, there were no protesters. The speakers all did a pretty good job. Unlike my last visit in 2020, there were no arrogant Yale Yankee professors for me to disagree with on history or current events. My wife attended with me. On the ride home, she said that she had forgotten that she was supposed to get our older son to go with me in case I had another heated discussion with a speaker. She was depending on him to drag me out of the building if it got ugly. There's always next year!

A fellow attendee asked me yesterday if I was still a Trump guy. I told him that I was. I supported Trump early in his campaign. I think that he did a great job as President. But for everything there is a season. The year 2024 is the season for President DeSantis. I want a Republican to win, and I think that DeSantis is the best choice. 

In the meantime,

Let's Go Brandon !!



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