I am joining the LGBT
Yes, even at my age, I have decided to join the LGBT. For those of you who actually know me and are stunned by the title of this piece, let me explain while you wipe up whatever you just spit out. The LGBT of which I write is the Let's Go Brandon Team. Now does it make sense? By the way, I had a shipment of Let's Go Brandon flags come in a couple of weeks ago. If you can't find one for sale near you, you can contact me for one. There's a discount for RMOL readers.
I am fascinated by the human relations skills of Democrats in Congress. Needing the votes of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to do just about anything, they berate them and ridicule them constantly. Maybe we should send the Dem Senators all copies of "How to win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie? No, let's just let them keep shooting themselves.
Gen. Mark "Milli Vanilli" Milley is reported to have COVID. How many soldiers did he discharge for refusing to get a shot that did not keep the learned Gen, Vanilli from getting the COVID?
Democrats and Republicans are split in the US Senate 50-50 and the Democrats think that this is a mandate to bring Communism to the nation.
I saw Lebron James talking about something the other day and it reminded me of something Rush Limbaugh used to say. Limbaugh always said that he had "Talent on loan from God". Lebron James has "Brains on loan from Mortimer Snerd."
I am so old that I remember when a vaccine kept you from getting a disease.
The U.S. Constitution never mentions Election "Days".
Locally, I saw the Social Security office parking lot was being cleared of snow when I passed there the other day. They haven't been open since COVID started. What's the hurry? Let it melt.
In California, they want to double people's taxes so that they can give them "free" healthcare. They won't give the "free" brain scans until after they vote. Don't want to take a chance on live voters.
I keep looking everywhere, but I have not seen a soul wearing a "Build Back Better" hat. Unlike the dreaded, red MAGA hats, the BBB hats are alleged to be "bullshit brown". "BBB Hats? I like it. Bozo Beats Biden?
Memo to Nick Saban. You couldn't beat Georgia, you couldn't bully Manchin. Stay out of politics! You are just pissing off the fans.
The Olympics will be starting soon. Democrats are worried that the opening ceremonies will feature a flyover by the Afghan Air Force that we let the Talban keep.
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