Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Mid-Week Memo

 Online morons are blaming Glen Youngkin, winner of the Virginia governor race, for the debacle on I-95 this week. Social media leftists blamed Youngkin for the VDOT handling of the situation. Naturally enough, Mr. Youngkin does not take office until January 15. I am surprised that they did not blame Trump.

The Biden Administration is warning Russia not to invade Ukraine. The Biden Boys are worried that their benefactors in the Ukraine energy companies may have to reduce their "donations" if the Russians take over Ukraine.  The media morons are all worried about 100,000 Russian troops poised to invade Ukraine. They are unconcerned about the more than 100,000 Mexicans who invade the United States every month across our southern border during the Biden presidency.

The Monroe Doctrine concerned the United States and most of the Western Henisphere. If you actually can point out Ukraine on a map, you know that Ukraine is not in the Western Hemisphere. The Biden Doctrine will be issued soon declaring our willingness to protect any government that will bribe a Biden. 

Maybe we could put up an exhibition of Hunter Biden's paintings at the Ukraine-Russia border? Post each masterpiece with a price tag and watch the Russians die laughing at how stupid we are in this country.

Had it not been for Lt. Col. Vindman, would any of us know that Ukraine is the linchpin of American national security?  Once the Russians seize Ukraine, New York will be the next to fall.  

Many idiots, AKA Democrats, are calling for us to ship arms and military equipment to Ukraine. How did that work out for us in Afghanistan? The people of Afghanistan hate the Russians, maybe we can just get them to share with Ukraine some of our military equipment that they have stockpiled.

Changing gears, if you are riding down the road alone in your car and wearing a face mask, you are an idiot.

From the good news department, thrice-vaccinated Whoopi Goldberg has COVID. What kind of horrible virus could live in that body and put up with that woman?

Politicians talking about COVID always say the same thing, "We have to do something." Unfortunately for them, things often go better when politicians do nothing. Let's give that a shot.

The Easter Bunny will be showing up soon bringing vaccination bribes to all of the little boys and girls. 

Social media isn't. 

The state is alarmed that the rate of positive tests results is around 30%. That means that 7 out of 10 people who think they have COVID don't. What percentage of people test positive, but don't have any symptoms? Why aren't these tests classified as false positives? If you test positive but have no symptoms, do you really have the disease?

"Virtual learning" and "remote learning" are both fairy tales spread by teachers' unions. Every business is judged by the quality of the product that they produce. The product of public schools needs to be recalled.

The governor of New York has declared "racism" to be a public health crisis. The real public health crisis is stupid governors.


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