No Cheer New Year
I saw Liz Cheney on television this morning. I also saw a couple of jock itch treatment ads and a Domino's commercial. They all rated about equal in holding my interest.
Newton Minow, who described television as a "vast wasteland" sixty years ago, has never commented on the real wasteland, the Internet. Given that Minow is 95 years old, I can only guess that a reporter has never thought of asking him about the Internet. On the other hand, I think that Minow has been in hiding since he first hired Barack Obama for a summer job.
The House Committee on the January 6 debacle is going to start "releasing information". This is how they work in Washington. They gather mountains of information in secret hearings and then they release a few items that back up their contentions. Why don't they just put all of the data out there and let us make our own decisions?
Are there any long-term studies on the effects of the COVID vaccines? Yes, and all of those who have taken that shot are in the test group.
John Kennedy has been dead more than 58 years and they still haven't released all of the facts. Why not? Martin Luther King had been dead for more than 53 years and they haven't released all of the information about his killing. Why not? What is it that the government is hiding? The only certainty in all of this is that we are certain that Donald Trump was not involved in either case. If he had been, it would be on every television station in the Milky Way.
As the number of people who have taken a "vaccine" continues to climb, the number of cases continues to increase. This is unlike any disease in my lifetime, or any vaccine ever taken. They are trying to maintain the hysteria when they switch from using actual numbers to percentages.
Sports leagues such as the NBA, the NFL, and the NHL all have vaccination rates of more than 97%. Yet they are all having problems with the virus. Even those of us who don't watch their swill are curious about this turn of events.
Computers in the last thirty years have just become another household appliance. We should treat all of the service suppliers as utilities. Then the government should regulate them like they do other utilities. Can the electric company cut off your power because they disagree with a sign in your yard? Of course not. Can the gas company cut off your service because of your political leanings? Can the phone company cut off your service because you complain to a friend about what an idiot Sleepy Joe is? Of course not, I still have telephone service. It's time to make utilities out of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the others of their kind.
An Antifa member in Portland, Oregon who was arrested three times for incidents assaulting the federal courthouse there had to perform thirty (30) hours of community service to get her case dismissed. Compare this to the defendants in the Jan 6 incident. Is Justice really blind or just a stupid Democrat?
Let's Go Brandon!!
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