Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
Christmas came early to Virginia this year. Last night, David slew Goliath. If Tom McEwen were still alive, this would be the year of the Gator. This is the year that Harold Stassen never had. Yesterday, politics turned upside down for liberals.
I was pleased by Youngkin's win in Virginia. I read today that Sen. Tim Kaine is blaming McAuliffe's loss on the Congress not passing $10 trillion worth of spending and handouts for the left. When asked about mistakes that McAuliffe made, Kaine claimed that discussing that would be "counter productive". He lost, how much more "counter productive" could it get?
I thought that Youngkin had a chance after watching an interview with Doug Wilder, the first black governor of Virginia a couple of weeks ago. Let me be kind, Wilder is not on the McAuliffe bandwagon. Then McAuliffe handed Youngkin the election when he told parents that they should not tell the schools what to teach their children. You do have to credit that Loudon County School Board and a few other boards with helping McAuliffe lose. A board that has a man arrested for speaking out against his daughter being raped at school needs to be replaced. Let's hope that recall movement works out.
The real question for Democrats is this, When will Joe Manchin go over to the Republicans? Joe may be the only Democrat left in West Virginia. Joe thinks that Congress needs to slow down on this "Build Back Better" bullshit.
The Democrats think that they have to add a mountain of debt to our balance sheet so that they can buy people's votes in the next election. I don't recall Youngkin offering a sack of cash to voters.
I saved the best for last. In New Jersey, the president of the State Senate, Steve Sweeney, is losing to a truck driver, Edward Durr. Durr ran for the State Senate because he applied for a concealed carry permit and it was denied, though he had no criminal record. Edward spent $153 on his campaign. Yes, $153. His campaign strategy was to go out and meet people in the district. It looks like it worked. With 100% of precincts reporting, he had 52% of the vote. He is 2200 votes ahead, but it is New Jersey. Democrats are probably filling out absentee ballots as I write this.
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