Monday Musings
I saw a story about the fires in California. The fire was threatening the giant sequoias and the redwoods. The headline was "General Sherman Tree threatened by fire". As a Southerner, you have to love the irony of that. A tree named after a guy who led an army of arsonists and pyromaniacs across the South is threatened by a fire. Who could have seen that coming?
AOC? AntiSemite of color.
On Friday, I will journey to Tampa for my 50 year high school class reunion. Pray for me or those others in attendance, it's your call!
Nancy Pelosi will not allow the House to vote on the $1 trillion infrastructure bill until she is sure that she has the votes to pass it. It might be a long autumn in Washington.
We have been obsessed with the weather since the onset of cable television and 24 hour a day crap. I frankly think that the Weather Channel is some kind of video porn for people who sit at home trying to decide whether or not to venture outside.
I keep seeing the phrase "human caused climate change". What caused the climate to change before television and the Internet?
If liberals had been in charge when dinosaurs roamed the earth, dinosaurs would still roam the earth and we would be extinct.
Sunday afternoons are much more pleasant without the NFL on my television. Napping is much more relaxing than watching some guy covered with tattoos strutting around after catching a ball. My dog can catch a ball and doesn't bother to beat his chest.
The Lion's Club Flea Market in Dublin, VA last weekend was pretty good. Business was so steady that I never made it over to the Lion Dog (corn dog) concession area. The guy who used to set up beside me was not there this year. He used to go get the corndogs.
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