Eyewitless Wednesday
I am so old that I remember when only old women had blue hair.
"Psaki" is obviously a Polish word meaning "bullshitting machine".
There were more Secret Service agents riding bikes and golf carts on Biden's bike ride the other day than there were Border Patrol agents on horseback at the border.
France has recalled their ambassador to the United States. France?? Yes, France. I can only guess that Macron isn't buying that whole "America is back" line.
Is there any thing that screams "I'm a pussy" louder than a "man bun"?
Why do people buy jeans that are already torn? Do they also buy already used toilet tissue?
Did the Clinton Foundation use all that money that they raised for earthquake victims in Haiti to fly those folks to Mexico where they could crash our border?
I am attending my high school class 50 year reunion next week to commemorate the three worst years of my life.
The liberals claiming that "a little inflation is good", have not been in a grocery store or at a gas station.
For those of you chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" at college football games, shirts reading FJB are now available in your favorite team's colors.
I am an equal opportunity curmudgeon. President Trump's people need to quit sending e-mails asking if I will support Trump's new social media site and just open the damned thing. I don't even buy a car without taking a test drive.
While at the grocery store today, I checked the dairy section for pictures of Kameltoe Harris on the milk cartons.
I will close with this note. On Tuesday, there was a story in an American Spectator newsletter about Keith Olbermann attacking the owners of a Texas restaurant and bar because they asked a couple to remove their masks. The policy is posted at the restaurant entrance. Olbermann "doxxed" the business by posting the business address and phone number. He encouraged his listener to contact him. I sent the newsletter editor a note about this which was published today. Here it is. The headline was written by the newsletter editor.
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