Sunday Sundries Ver.8.29
A couple of days ago, I had 140 pageviews from France. Yes, France. Was it my post mentioning Afghan "surrender monkeys"? I doubt it, but who understands French humor? This is a nation that loved Jerry Lewis and his movies. they still do. Maybe it is French readers who are curious about the debacle unfolding daily in Kabul and and are looking for honesty in the viewpoints of Americans. Regardless of all the theories, thanks to those folks for reading.
The President and his stooges keep bragging about our "over the horizon" capabilities. Just for the record, U.S. battleships could hit targets "over the horizon" in WW2. Why are Biden and others bragging about this capability? The Taliban takeover at Kabul took place right in front of our troops and our commanders made the decision to do nothing. You don't need "over the horizon" capability to make a "do nothing" call.
In Louisiana today, they are bracing for Hurricane Ida to make landfall. I hate the Weather Channel and their coverage of storms. Someone said that watching a hurricane come your direction is like being stalked by a turtle. Just remember, everything in a forecast is just a guess until things actually happen. No one keeps stats on the accuracy of weather forecasters. If they do, they are keeping it to themselves.
Why do we keep building in New Orleans, a city with large portions below sea level, and then act shocked when it floods? The French Quarter, the old part of New Orleans, is actually above sea level. That was built before we became so arrogant that we thought man could do anything. Write off any flooding related deaths to the arrogance of mankind. Wait! Let's spread a little of that blame around and blame the stupidity of government, as well.
They are telling people to try to follow COVID protocols as they seek shelter from the storm. Let's see, the wind is blowing at 120 MPH and I am seeking shelter. Will I bypass the shelter where they are not social distancing and take my chances out in the storm? If you have to think about this, tape your ID to your body to make the coroner's job easier.
We are told that high level terrorists have been killed by US drone attacks. No names have been released. That's probably because they aren't high level terrorists. Would the government lie to us?
Has Biden cancelled his speech about ending the war in Afghanistan scheduled on September 11? Or is he going to give it early on September 1?
Biden keeps blaming Trump for this whole situation. Trump's plan called for the withdrawal to be finished by May 1. I am pretty sure that we are in late August now. But does Biden know that it is late August?
Unless Jen Psaki is blowing Biden, he needs to get a new press secretary. Joe, at least get one who knows what "stranded" means. That is actually contingent on whether Joe knows the meaning of "stranded".
It's going to happen one day, but I don't know when. It doesn't matter. I want a ticket to the Senate hearing where Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana gets to question Gen. Milley Vanilli.
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