Sunday, August 01, 2021

On a Sunday morning sidewalk?

 No, I am not doing my Johnny Cash impression this morning. I don't sing because I can't stand to see people cry. I have never been asked to join a choir at any church that I have attended. Let's move on with other subjects.

Why are they calling the Olympics the 2020 Olympics? Isn't it 2021? I understand that the Olympics were supposed to be last year, but they didn't happen. If you have Taco Tuesday on Wednesday due to some equipment malfunction, is it still Taco Tuesday? Do you say TGIF on Saturday? For those of you who work Monday through Friday, can "hump day" be Thursday?  I realize that much of the marketing materials and the promotional merchandise had probably already been made with 2020 on them, but you could sell all of those as for the Olympics that never happened. There is always a market for merchandise with errors, ask any coin collector.  Or get out some markers and start making them read 2021. Does it really matter as there are no spectators there to buy the souvenir stuff anyway?

There are no spectators in the seats in the 2020  2021 Olympic games. Who are all of those athletes strutting around to impress? Do we need all of the celebrating to excite those at home who have fallen asleep in front of the television?

NBC is doing their best to make the Olympics look good. This despite the ratings dropping faster than Joe Biden's poll numbers among Americans who work.

I saw a video clip from this week of Rep. Jim Jordan waving some e-mails that he had obtained through a FOIA request. They were emails from Dr. Fauci and his communications with other health experts and they had been heavily redacted. What part of our national security interests is served by not releasing what a guy trying to use his post to destroy our freedoms and the economy wrote?

Along those lines, I will vote for the first presidential candidate who will shut down our plethora of spy agencies. What good is all of this intelligence to a guy with dementia?

I am fascinated that all of those folks who oppose Voter ID are supporters of "Vaccine Passports". 

Do you think that there are any Secret Service agents calling "Shotgun", when Joe Biden announces that he is taking an 18-wheeler for a spin?

What's the coincidence level of the COVID virus becoming a crisis again at the same time that Biden's poll numbers start tanking? COVID is bumping Biden's Communist "human infrastructure" bill off the news.

Let's go back to the old days in Congress. Let's actually write a bill and then debate it rather than debate it before it is written?

Looking for a laugh? Watch any video of Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana questioning a Biden nominee. Actually, any nominee. Kennedy is an equal opportunity entertainer.

Someone has suggested that Biden's press conferences be held in pet stores so that when he says "I want to sniff those puppies", there are actually dogs nearby.

In what may be a related issue, I offer this illustration.


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