Monday Moans and Multiple Meaningless Minutiae
A couple of weeks ago, I sent a letter to my favorite teacher in my school experiences. It was returned on Thursday by the USPS. It was marked "Return to Sender" and "Unable to Forward". Just for the record and to support conservative viewpoints, I offer this nugget. I got his address from the public voter registration records in his state. By the way, he was a registered Democrat. Sleepy Joe, read me the fairy tale again about how there is nothing wrong with voter registration records.
Last week, a 72 year old clerk at a Speedway station in Greensboro was killed by a 19 year old black man who was trying to rob the station. The young murderer has previously served time in prison for other robberies. His occupation was robber. This Biden voter is a walking case for public executions in front of the courthouse. Maybe we can reach the other scum by streaming it live on Facebook. Death penalties are only a deterrent when used. It's time to commit justice.
What caused climate change before the Industrial Age? My favorite BS item in all of this is how the earth's temperature is rising. I can't find anyone who can explain what the standards are for measuring the earth's temperature. I will give you a hint: Temperature measurement station standards vary from country to country. Then we are comparing temperatures taken today with temperatures from 150 years ago that were taken with different equipment. But it is all "SCIENCE", right??
I have mentioned this before but it warrants further moans. The A.P. Leto High School Class of 1971 is meeting in October for our 50th reunion. On Friday night, there is a social that is $35 per person and a Cash Bar. My motivation to pay $70 for my wife and I to hang out on the pier listening to music I don't like and talking to people I don't know while drinking bottled water or ginger ale at absurd prices is pretty limited. Saturday night is the $95 per person dinner. That's $190 for my wife and I to have dinner. I can dine for a lot less than that at the Angus Barn and have the same chance that I will run into someone I actually know there. I don't think that I will attend.
We didn't read Thomas Wolfe at Leto so I guess that "You can't go home again" has not crossed anyone's mind.
I just heard some idiot on PBS say that there aren't many jobs available. I must be feeling pretty mellow tonight, instead of shooting the television, I just turned it off.
Here's something that I never thought I would write. I think that Caitlyn Jenner has the best chance of unseating Gavin Newsome in the California recall election. Even with help from the legislature changing all of the rules trying to help Newsome win, I still think that Jenner has a chance. Good Luck to him, her, they, them, whatever!!
I am currently reading an excellent book called Generational IQ. It's about how different generations react differently to Christianity. It is really interesting. This book will be available for loan by the end of the week.
The other day there was a stretch limo at the Wal-Mart in Reidsville. I am not sure that a reasonable explanation exists.
In a discussion at work the other day, I told someone of a higher pay grade that he was not using the term "outliers" in the best possible way. I directed him to Malcolm Gladwell's book, "Outliers". I have read several of Gladwell's books. This incident actually prompted me to reread "Blink", which I finished earlier today. I feel pretty strongly that if you seek to lead, you need to be knowledgeable about leadership. What does Sleepy Joe read?? C'mon man, look it up!
Last night on "Huckabee", Rick Santorum talked about a meeting with Donald Trump a couple of years before he ran for President. Trump had read one of Santorum's books and discussed it with him. Got a story about Biden discussing a book?
I wish that I had some of those guns that liberals are always talking about on television. My guns just stay in one place, they aren't out killing anyone. Where do libs buy their guns? Are there organic models? . Remember black guns matter!!
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