It's Sunday, but this isn't 60 Minutes!
Hunter Biden is now in the art business. Transactions with the artist will remain confidential. He prefers to deal in cash, but will accept checks if they are made out to "The Big Guy".
Burisma paid Hunter to be on their board. He knows nothing about the energy business and didn't speak Ukrainian, so he only stayed five years. Now it turns out that they hired him for his artistic talents?
Two hours after praising the United States Senate for coming up with a bi-partisan infrastructure bill, Dementia Joe threatened to veto that same bill. I would have loved to sit in on the White House staff meeting after that cluster fuck took place.
Remember the old song about the Pinball Wizard? The deaf, dumb, and blind kid? Even he knows that Biden is a buffoon.
I watched five (5) minutes of Washington Week this afternoon on PBS. As God is my witness, I will never donate a dime to PBS. There is more honesty on Russian state television. You get more objectivity from Al Jazeera. I will vote for anyone who promises to "defund" PBS.
Democrats claim that everything is infrastructure. They also claim that everything is racist. So they want to spend 3 trillion dollars to create more racist infrastructure. Go figure!
Stepping back from the political circus for a minute, I sent a letter on Friday to the teacher who was my favorite teacher in school. I dug up his address online and actually "wrote" a letter. He was my civics teacher in the ninth grade. What do I remember most about his class? Every couple of weeks, he would call on someone and it went like this. "Miss Smith, stand up please. You have two minutes, justify your existence." In Russo's class, you learned to pay attention and how to think quickly on your feet. Yeah, I loved it!!
There are a bunch of Generals and Admirals who are praying that Trump doesn't run again.
I keep getting e-mails about Trump's new social media platform. They are just fundraising efforts from some Republican party group. Here's a thought, guys. Get the damn site up and running and then ask for donations. Maybe I will send some Republican group a request for money to give them my blog address?
Why do I know that liberals don't read this swill? No comments, no threats, no incoherent replies.
Why is Kamala Harris still wearing a mask everywhere? Does she not believe that the vaccine works? She wore a mask at the border the other day. Is it a recruiting tool for gangsters? Is it so that she can claim that you didn't hear her asinine statements? Is it a gift from Willie Brown? Could Willie not afford a paper bag?
Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and I will be like Bobby on "Dallas". This whole Biden thing will have just been a bad dream.
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