Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday Free Throws Ver. 5.14

 Gov. Roy Assberry Cooper of North Carolina today moved to end mask mandates in most places other than schools. This despite the fact that school age children only account for 10% of the cases. So Assberry's loyalty to the teachers unions marches on. 

Word just in that Gov. Ralph "Did you see me in Blackface?" Northam of Virginia is also moving to end mask mandates and social distancing quickly. I am heading to Hillsville for the Memorial Day Weekend Flea Market in a couple of weeks. It is only a fraction of the Labor Day Flea Market, but it beats mowing the grass.

I realize that Democraps don't want to let the common people into the politicians' "Temple of Democracy", but I would buy a ticket to watch Sen. Rand Paul question the famed Tony "Two Masks" Fauci. Fauci just can't admit that his agency supported research in Wuhan, China. Forgetting everything else, why are we sending China money for research?

It seems that some solar panels being purchased by Americans with the aid of federal tax credits are made by slave labor in China. Incredibly enough, liberals seem to be okay with this kind of slavery.

I picked up Vol. 3 of History of the United States by John Clark Ridpath at a Goodwill store last week. It is amazing how different the stories written in the period differ from those that liberals are hustling as "history" today. John Ridpath was from Indiana. Yet in this book written in 1872, slavery is NOT listed as the primary cause of the Civil War.  This was the best dollar that I have spent in some time.

I don't believe in treating people with mental illnesses as if what they are doing is okay. If you have a "trans" anything lecturing me on a television commercial, don't wait for me to buy your products.

If you think that sex organs are the only difference between men and women and that removing your sex organs will make you a member of the opposite sex, you are past delusional. 

Biden has ended Trump's policy prohibiting parts of the electrical grid from using parts and equipment made in China. Why? Is Hunter in the wind turbine business? Is Solyndra coming bask from the dead?

Where are we going to get all of the electricity to charge all of the electric cars liberals want to drive? Right now, on a hot summer day, there is barely enough power to go around. What is going to replace all of the energy currently powering cars? 

One of my sons went to a private school where the Parent/Student manual had this. "No monies paid the Academy are refundable for any reason. If you do not understand the preceding sentence, inquire in writing immediately." I am thinking of putting that "If you do not understand" line at the end of every blog post. Naaah, that would just obligate me to write a reply.


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