Tuesday, May 04, 2021

The 700 Club???

 No, this post has nothing to do with Pat Robertson. However, I did see him as I was channel scanning last week and he is looking pretty old. This is actually my 700th post on this blog that started 16 years ago. Great news!! I am not doing a rerun in tribute to that milestone. In the words of The Great One, "Away we go!"

Tim Scott said that America is not a racist country and Democrats continue to hurl racist insults at him to show that he is wrong. Do they not see how stupid they look?

Roy Cooper is high on the "systemic racism" bandwagon. If only he had noticed any of that during the sixteen years that he spent as the NC Attorney General, he could have taken legal action. Did he do anything then? No.

WGHP, Fox 8 in High Point was my last choice for local news until yesterday. They broadcast live the funeral of Andrew Brown from Elizabeth City, NC. The funeral speaker was the famous anti-Semite and tax deadbeat Al Sharpton. Sharpton used the funeral as a chance to attack Tim Scott. (Go back two paragraphs.). 

I cannot believe that a station would do a live broadcast of the funeral of a drug dealer who was shot and killed when he tried to run over deputies when they tried to arrest him. To broadcast this is an act of such stupidity that I will not waste another second watching the swill they are passing off as news. Fox 8 is just not kissing liberal asses, they are licking them dry.

Two deputies killed in Boone will be buried on Thursday. Channel 8 better be there broadcasting the event.

Last year's hysteria outbreak was COVID-19. This year's hysteria outbreak is systemic racism. Do liberals offer any substantive evidence of this?  No, they just keep making the allegations. Why not? It worked for Hitler with the Jews.

Why do Republicans keep doing interviews with leftist from networks and publications that just keep attacking conservatives? Just say "NO"! All the reporters are doing is ridiculing them and attacking them. Why keep doing interviews? Just ignore them and walk away. The media needs Republicans to attack more than Republicans need the media. 

The Republicans need to take the advice of Roger Jacobs, a guy I worked with in 1983. If someone asked Roger if he would do something and he didn't want to do it, the answer went like this. Roger would say, "Not just no. Not just no way, but no f*cking way, Baby!!" I would buy a ticket to see Kevin McCarthy or Mitch McConnell tell that to Chuck "I'm actually bald" Todd in regards to an interview. If Chuck is not available, get Judy Woodruff from PBS.

If my only goal in life had been to see a dementia patient as President of the United States, I could go ahead and check out.

I saw a photo online the other day of a protest march where the marchers stopped to kneel in front of a painting of George Floyd. Any hint of intelligence in that group was misread.

The COVID keeps declining in states with lesser restrictions. It's about time to start putting governors on trial in other states.

As vaccination rates drop, the infection rate is also dropping. Strangest epidemic that we have ever seen?

Would it be more "transparent" if Jill Biden wore a nurse uniform when she is with Joe? Maybe a Doctor's coat? Whoopi Goldberg did say that Dr. Jill would make a great Surgeon General. I think that Whoopi's words were "I hear that Jill Biden is a hell of a doctor." 

Good news, there is no 701 Club.


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