Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Making Heroes out of Zeros

 The liberal media and their mobs are at it again. A young black man was shot by police in Minnesota the other night. As the media works to elevate Daunte Wright to sainthood, it's time for us to see how this process works.

In this case, the officer appears to have shot him accidentally as she thought she was firing her Taser and was screaming "taser" as she struggled with Wright. There have been other cases where a firearm was discharged instead of a Taser. That sounds like a training issue to me or a cop panicking as they  try to apprehend someone unwilling to be arrested.

By the time that the media finishes telling this story, the Pope will be compelled by the left to elevate Wright to sainthood. This is just another story of a career petty criminal who didn't want to obey the law. 

What do many of these "senseless killings" described by the media have in common? First, despite the fact that almost twice as many white people are killed as black people by police, the media would have us believe that almost all those killed by the police are black.. 

The death rate in proportion to their percentage of the population is higher for blacks.  Liberals cite this as proof of "racism". The fact that liberals love to ignore is that all cultures obey the laws at different rates. 

Wright was stopped by the police for an expired registration. Then they saw that he was violating the law about things hanging from the rear view mirror. Wright also had an outstanding arrest warrant for a handgun violation. After the office fired, Wright still drove away several blocks before he died and wrecked or wrecked and died.

As Joe Biden has been lecturing us on the evils of firearms, certainly he would applaud the police for apprehending someone who had been charged with having a handgun illegally. Joe has been silent on this issue.

These cases all seem to involve young black men with a history of petty crimes and/or drug use. Many have warrants for their arrest outstanding. Many times drugs or alcohol are involved in their being stopped by the police. Given all of these circumstances, why do young black men choose to fight with an armed police officer?

The media will drag out family members to talk about what a great guy the deceased man was. Do they ever ask if he actually helped raise the children he fathered? Will they ask if he paid child support for his children or were they dependent on government programs? Of course not. They won't ask because the answer is that government programs have destroyed the family unit in the black community and the actions of these young men is a result of that. It won't get any better until we accept those facts. It takes more than a government handout to raise a child.


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