Sunday, April 04, 2021

Easter Musings

 Life was easier when by this time on Easter, I was groaning from eating all the ham that I could stand and chasing it with chocolate eggs. 

Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina has instructed his staff to draw up legislation ending baseball's antitrust exemption. Let's not waste any time.

It's time for us to start eliminating all of the tax breaks that major league sports teams get from state and local governments. Either eliminate the tax breaks or have them give the local government a percentage of their business. Why keep building stadiums and the infrastructure required to support them for a bunch of greedy ingrates?

I knew I should not have watched the television news this morning. The good thing about this segment was that it was actually labeled as an editorial. Michelle Butt, the General manager of WXII TV in Winston-Salem moaned about how the Chauvin trial in Minneapolis trial was causing all of her "friends of color" to have to live through all of the George Floyd tragedy again. Maybe if Floyd had not chosen to take an overdose of drugs, this could have been avoided? Of course, those particular words never crossed her lips. She expressed no concern about her friends who support law enforcement are having to live through this kangaroo court.  Any lingering doubts about the news media's liberal bias have been vanquished.

Picked up a NERF gun at a yard sale yesterday. It holds 30 rounds. How long before Biden wants to outlaw it?

Words and phrases that should be banished from our language:   Hashtag, "social media", "people of color", "systemic racism", reparations, "public education", pandemic, social distancing, face covering, professional sports, "going viral", influencers, "college students", tweet, Obamacare.

One of Biden's dogs dropped a log in a hallway at the White House the other day. It didn't get quite the press reaction that Biden putting a log on the fire in the Oval Office received. Why are the dogs allowed to roam the building when taxpayers can't? Or was the dog just giving his opinion on Joe's performance?

Bidencare? Because Obamacare doesn't suck as bad as it could. Joe can make it worse.

Modelo beer commercials are the height of racism. Ever seen one where the person who is celebrated  is not Latino? 


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