Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Tuesday Takeout

 Delta Air Lines flies to China, but thinks that the government in Georgia is destroying the right to vote. Should I call their CEO, Ed Bastian, and ask him about early voting in China? If Bastian thinks that China is a better place than Georgia, he should know that Delta is ready when you are!!

I saw Keith Olbermann on the news last night. His veterinarian needs to update his rabies vaccine. I think that I saw some foaming in the corner of his mouth. I didn't like him when he just did sports. I can't believe that sober people could stand to listen to what he says.

Someone needs to explain to Coca-Cola, Delta, and all of these other "woke" companies that half the country did not vote for Lying Biden. Who in the world of business decides that pissing off half of your customers is a growth program? Shut up and make soft drinks!! Get rid of Coke Zero, however aptly named.

Ballot drop boxes? I will believe that those things are a good idea on the day that the IRS announces that you can deposit your tax returns and payments in those things. In neighborhoods where there are bars over all of the windows of homes and businesses, how secure are those ballot drop boxes?

I love all of the controversy about whether or not water and snacks can be passed out to people waiting in line at polling places in Georgia. Let's see, we can't have Voter ID because Democrats claim that their voters aren't competent enough to get a free government ID. So Democrats have to pick up their voters and drive them to the polls on Election Day because they couldn't make it on any of those early voting days. I guess the absentee ballot thing was too hard to master as well. Then at the polls they have to give them drinks and snacks because they aren't capable of remembering to feed themselves. Are the voters dressed appropriately for the weather on Election Day? If not, are the Democrats going to supply coats, hats, gloves, umbrellas, socks, shoes, and any other clothing needed to vote? They already give them a list of candidates that they need to vote for in the election. What do the Democrats give them as a reward for voting on the ride back home? If you don't believe this happens, you voted for Biden. Why would we allow these people, who if they are as incompetent as Democrats claim they are, to vote?

CBS and 60 Minutes tried to pull off a scam with a story on Ron DeSantis of Florida. They edited video to distort a story about Covid vaccines and Publix and DeSantis. It's so blatantly false that Democrats are coming forward to defend DeSantis and attack CBS. DeSantis is obviously a front runner in the 2024 Presidential race if CBS is attacking this early.

I bought a John Deere dump cart at Lowes today. The instructions were written in English and Spanish. I am not sure of the language of the illustrations. I can't emphasize this strongly enough, but if they offer assembly for $100 or less, take it. I spent two hours putting this thing together, In addition, I used about 90% of my profanity vocabulary in this effort. To put this into perspective, last year I dropped the gas tank on my truck and replaced the fuel pump in less time that this cart assembly required. Maybe spending a couple of hundred bucks on something that was going to stimulate my anger was not what stimulus checks were meant to do??


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