Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Sociopaths?? Quotas? Random rants?

 Back in the days of old, when knights were bold, and political correctness had not been invented, we had people called "sociopaths". Even in the 1980's, we still had sociopaths. Today, I haven't heard the word used in a public discussion since the Clinton years. Why not?

Sociopaths were people who could not, did not, or would not fit into society. What happened to all of those folks? Did they adjust to the standards of society and leave their careers as sociopaths? Did they become contributing members of society? Hell No!!!

Some of those folks became liberals, some became activists, many became criminals and convicts, but most became Democrats. Today they are social justice warriors and human rights activists, but they are still sociopaths..

In older societies, centuries before today, we expelled sociopaths and they were "outcasts". They left polite society to go start places like the Third Reich. With the advent of the "Big Tent" policy and today's obsession with "inclusivity", sociopaths are affecting the future of society.

Make no mistake about it, human society has never been about "inclusion". Societies are about "exclusion", the practice of removing or barring the presence of those who will do us harm. Sometime in the last thirty years, some group of people made the decision to abandon that policy without bothering to check with the rest of us. This has led us to actions like mourning the death of a drug dealer who tried to kill police officers who were trying to arrest him. 

Let's bring back sociopaths and find ways to handle them. Let's give up on the idea that society should devolve  to the level of those we used to term sociopaths. Let's go back to striving for excellence rather than striving for success according to a government engineered ratio of  race and gender.

 In the early 1980's, In Search of Excellence was THE book to study in business. Today, the hot topic in business is formulas for the proper ratio of ethnic backgrounds and genders in your staff to reflect the makeup of your community. No one pays attention to whether or not they can get the job done. 

United Airlines has announced that they will make their flight decks look like society. They are going to hire and promote based on gender and race. Is this really a good place to ignore ability and performance?  When planes start falling from the skies, we will see a rapid change in this policy. 

I buy food based on how it tastes. My appetite is not based on renewable resources and the carbon footprint of the animal source. By the way, "plant based meat" is a figment of liberal imaginations.

Do you want the heart surgeon to be the best in the class or do you want the best Asian female left-handed  lesbian who helped the hospital meet their quotas holding the scalpel? 

I am entertained by the fact that sports operates om the idea that the best performer is the winner. Why don't they do in sports what they advocate for the rest of society? Let's integrate the NBA and see that it reflects the population of the nation. Why don't we give some baseball players four or five strikes instead of three? Let's ban the BLM banners and flags at NASCAR races. Let's put the names of police officers who were killed on NFL jerseys. Call me when you are serious on "social justice".

I have been known to play golf on occasion. About ten years ago, my older son and his best friend invited me to play golf with them. I haven't been invited back.  I am not suing claiming age discrimination. So much for the advantages of being a white guy. 



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