Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Tirade Tuesday

 The news media is dedicating all of their reporting resources to informing Americans about the flavor of ice cream that Joe Biden orders at public appearances. Yesterday, there was a a story about him ordering two scoops of vanilla chocolate chip in a waffle cone. This was their big story? You're shitting me, right? I don't recall ever seeing a story about Trump's choice of ice cream flavors, but this is the third time that I have seen a story about Biden's ice cream choices in just a few weeks. Reporters just aren't kissing Biden's ass, they are licking it dry! Maybe that explains their unprecedented concern about Biden's flavor selections?

I also saw where somewhere off camera someone was asking Sleepy Joe a question and after rambling for a minute, he finally fished some notes from his coat pocket and read a response. How did he know that question was going to be asked so that he could bring a response?

I saw a report from Sky News in Australia about Sleepy Joe and his diminished cognitive skills. After watching this, I am doubting national media reports that all of the world is awed by our new ice cream scoop monkey.

Andrew Cuomo has declared a "state emergency" in New York over gun violence. This comes just a few hours after the Mayor of New York City announced that year to year data shows that gun violence has actually  decreased. This just isn't another Cuomo lie to deflect from his own problems, is it?  Hell yeah!!

I saw a video of Lt. Governor Mark Robinson of North Carolina speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition. You can find the video online if you want to see what keeps Roy Cooper from sleeping at night. You can see it on You Tube at Mark Robinson at The Faith & Freedom Coalition - YouTube  If this link doesn't work, look it up yourself.

October will bring the 50 year reunion of the Leto High School Class of 1971. I am not sure if I will attend as I doubt that many of the people attending will actually be people I know. I graduated in a class of 714 people, so there were lots of folks who I never actually met. I lived in Tampa for 12 years after graduation and didn't run into more than 20 classmates after graduation. To put it into current slang, my posse was the malcontents and the smartasses, we don't hang out at reunions.

Bill Cosby was freed the other day. Liberals don't know whether to shit or go blind. The MeToo movement is complaining but they are always complaining. Maybe Bill should sue one of those women for "using" him to advance her career. There's a tactic no one has tried yet. Young women all hang out with these old powerful guys hoping to advance their own careers. When it doesn't work out for them, they claim they were raped. Women have always been drawn to men in power. Do you think that Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown because he was a handsome young guy? She traded sex and companionship for a couple of appointments to boards. Let's face it, our supply of vestal virgins is running low.


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