Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Tuesday Tantrum?

 My goal for the remainder of my days is to remain the only human without a smartphone. I watch young people at work check their phones between taking breaths to see what social media fad has erupted since they last checked eleven seconds earlier.

I have been operating under the idea that almost everyone has a cell phone stuck in their back pocket. It's all that I can do to carry a wallet there and my wallet can bend. They used to put watch pockets on blue jeans. No one under thirty can pick a watch out of a police lineup now. What I do find entertaining is that I have encountered several young women who carry their smartphone in their bra. Yes, granny kept her money there and now women are now packing phones there. Bras, they aren't just for breasts anymore!!

The bra story reminds me of the time at the Waffle House when I was at the cash register and a woman  was fishing through her bra for her money. She finally found the eight dollars that she needed and said, "Here's the eight dollars, what was the change?" I replied "Honey, if you have to dig through your underwear for the change, I don't want it." She just laughed and left.

I saw video clips of Two Mask Tony Fauci arguing with Rand Paul at a Senate hearing. Fauci denies that his National Institute of Health funded anything associated with the COVID-19. Fauci first said that he had "never lied" and then quickly corrected that to "I have never lied to Congress." Dr. Fauci, is that to anyone in Congress or just to a joint session of Congress? Tony Fauci, graduate of the Bill Clinton Communications School, simply cannot be believed.

My question for Fauci and everyone else in government is simply this thought. Why the hell are we funding anything in China? They sell us everything, why are we "helping" them? Don't we send them enough money now? There should be a ban on our government funding anything in China. 

The big Labor Day Weekend Flea Market in Hillsville, Virginia is coming up soon. I have been sorting through my fine wares for just the right shit to sell there. You can find me at the VFW lot there. If I am not in my spaces, I have walked over to the spaces where the Mennonite women are selling baked goods. You will be able to spot my spaces, trust me.

I am still waiting for the media to identify the members of the Central Committee that is actually running the executive branch of government. In other words, who are the folks pulling the strings on the Joe Biden puppet? My guess is that there are four or five women running things and Pete Buttigieg is the ventriloquist with his hand up Biden's ass making his lips move.


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