Saturday, July 17, 2021

Happy Anniversary?

 Incredibly I am about ten days late on this title topic. I started this blog sixteen years and ten days ago. I have published about 725 posts in that time. There are about fifty more posts still lingering in "draft" mode. Why keep posting? Hell, I just don't know.

Having made that huge announcement, I am ready to move on in other directions.

Donald Trump says that Gen. Mark Milley should be court-martialed. I think that Milley should do the honorable thing and resign and retire. I frankly think that whoever made the decision to teach Critical Race Theory in the military should be taken out and shot. 

We have been almost two weeks without watching Joe Biden order ice cream. There are rumors of layoffs at MSNBC, NBC, and CNN if Biden can't get to an ice cream shop soon.

Last week on Huckabee, two of the guests  were Todd Starnes and Rick Santorum. The next day I ordered Starnes' book Dispatches from Bitter America and Santorum's book Blue Collar Conservatives from Thrift Books. Dispatches from Bitter America was funny and informative. I started reading Blue Collar Conservatives earlier today and it is good. The worst thing about Blue Collar is the introduction about the Republicans nominating Romany in 2012. There's just no way to make that look good.

I am tired of commercials all bragging that something is "plant based" Humans didn't climb to the top of the pyramid to eat soybeans.

By the way, milk does not come from soybeans or almonds. It most assuredly does not come from oats. There may be some liquid involved with all of those , but it is not milk.

Burger King is blowing smoke about their new plant based Impossible Whopper. Burgers are meat. Anything else is an impostor. I am not interested. 

In reference to all of the attention that high rise condos are receiving now, just a reminder that in the Book of Matthew, the Bible tells us that the foolish man built his house on sand. The arrogance of man results in high rises on barrier islands. Go figure!!

The same women who tell the government "My body, My choice", now want the government to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for all. I am thinking government mandated  lobotomies for Democrats.

Facebook controls a larger share of their market than The Bell System did in their market when the government took the Bell System  to court and broke them up. Does anyone in the misnamed Justice Department read the actual law anymore?

"Human Infrastructure?" The same schmucks who believe in that also think that you can be male or female depending on how you feel.

Just a reminder that the same doctors who used to believe that "gender dysphoria" was a disease now regard it as an opportunity to make big money by cutting off body parts and hustling hormones. 

It's not as prominent as COVID, but the opioid epidemic is still hanging around looking for space in the news. I am amazed that so many people were surprised to find out that opioids are addictive. In the 19th Century, they spoke of opium dens. That wasn't the den where  many years later, Wally and the Beaver watched television.

Almost one hundred years ago , the Bayer Co. in Germany marketed a new cough medicine that helped with pneumonia and tuberculosis. It was their wonder drug. They called it "heroin". Mankind, king of slow learners.


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