Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday takeout?

 Major League Baseball will hold their "All-Star" game tonight in Denver. The game is in Denver because Georgia passed a law requiring photo ID for voters. Colorado also requires voter ID, but marijuana is legal in Colorado. 

From the New York Times on Monday: "Shouting “Freedom” and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years." WOW! The Times says that "Freedom" is an anti-government slogan. Hey guys!! Thanks for finally admitting that you are a leftist Commie rag. 

Afghanistan? That is where empires go to die. The good news is that the Chinese are showing an interest in getting involved there. They must be out of slave labor at home. 

Condemned to repeat it? We didn't learn from Alexander the Great, the British, or the Soviet Union. We squandered thousands of lives and billions of dollars only to come up dry in Afghanistan. We should have left eighteen years ago. 

What could we have done with all of the lives and the money squandered in Afghanistan? 

A rapper in Chicago was released from the Cook County Jail on Saturday night after posting bail and getting a tracking device placed on his ankle. The device didn't need a lot of range. He was gunned down in the street in front of the jail. Police counted 59 shell casings in the street and said that he was hit at least 64 times. While there were security cameras in the area, no witnesses came forward to tell their story. 

The family of the drug dealer who tried to run over police officers in Elizabeth City have filed a federal lawsuit against law enforcement. They saw the payday the George Floyd family received and are hoping for an encore. Let's sue the family for wasting our time.

Rutgers University Camden Campus is going to relocate Walt Whitman's statue to a more out of the way location on campus. If Whitman were still alive, he would want to get the hell out of Camden. When Trump talked about some immigrants wanting to turn the US into something like the shithole country they left, he must have been thinking about Camden.

Walt Whitman, just another case of liberals acting against dead people for not meeting today's standards that did not exist when they lived. Being a great poet is not based on your racial views. 

Liberals, America's ISIS, want to tear down all pieces of history they don't like. But will it change that history? Of course not, but with liberals it is all about drama.

Charlottesville took down statues of Robert E. Lee and  Stonewall Jackson, and one of  William Clark, Meriwether Lewis, and Sacajawea. UVA removed a statue of George Rogers Clark. They should go ahead and shut down the museums and close the university before anyone else gets offended. For me, I will just add Charlottesville to the list of places that I will never go again.

I like to read old history books. It is amazing how the account of someone who actually participated in an event differs from the view presented by the left today. 

How long before the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, and the FDR Memorial are taken down?  Evidently, the Eleventh Commandment is "Thou shalt not offend a liberal."

I am fat, old, bald, and tired. But mostly, I am just tired of listening to liberal bullshit.


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