Friday, February 04, 2022

Let's put another week behind us!

 Is the Whoopi Goldberg disaster this week a carefully planned event to gather some viewers for "The View?" Is anybody really that stupid? Will she read Mein Kampf over the next two weeks? Will she change her name to Whoopi White Hater? Maybe she will just spend the time studying about the involvement of Jews in the civil rights struggle in the 1950's and 1960's. Maybe she will just tour German restaurants and clubs. Who knows? Who cares?

Nothing fuels confidence in our leadership like watching Biden wander the stage before his wife takes him by the hand and leads him off of the stage. Frankly, I would have rather watched Trump grab some babe by the butt and have her lead him off the stage.  Yeah, life isn't easy as a sexist, white, chauvinist pig.  Sorry, I just have to be me, babe!!

We may or may not have killed some terrorist leader in Syria. I will wait for all of the videos to be shown. Waiting to hear the outrage Democrats expressed following some leader's killing in the Trump years.

Joe Rogan? I had to have my older son to explain to me who Rogan is and what he does. I thought he had something to do with the baldness treatment, Rogaine. 

I am thrilled that some musicians are forcing Spotify to choose between having their music and Rogan/Rogaine. First, in the interests of full disclosure, I have never listened to a podcast. For further disclosure, I can't name a single Neil Young song. I never met Neil at the Waffle House. Businesses are about revenue, apparently you can listen to Neil almost anywhere, but Rogaine is exclusively on Spotify.  I am glad that Spotify has shown Neil that his best years are behind him. As for Joni Mitchell pulling her music from Spotify, who even knew that she was still alive? Does anyone from outside New York and California even know who Mitchell is? Quick, sing your favorite Mitchell song. 

Jeff Zucker has resigned at CNN after admitting that he was having a relationship with some woman who reported to him. Interestingly enough, the woman remains at CNN despite admitting the relationship. So ends the dream of equality between the sexes. The man loses his job, and the woman keeps hers. Show me the equality! 

Biden is sending 3,000 troops to Europe. Why only 3,000? Probably because we are holding most of the transport planes near Kiev in case, we need another short notice, mass evacuation. If you don't understand this shot, Google "Kabul evacuation". 

Only 3,000 troops? This isn't even a good-sized speed bump for slowing the Russian army. Why should we protect Europe from Russia if the Europeans aren't worried about the Russians? Trump was right in trying to force Europe to pay for their own defense. If they don't care, why should we?

Speaking of Europe, I looked at my reader stats yesterday. A couple of days ago, I had 137 page views from France. I am trying to picture someone in France saying, "I wonder what Gilbert's thinking today?" So, if you are the person or persons in France reading this swill, send me a picture of yourself. I will share it. If you are Brigitte Bardot, send several pictures. 

Let's Go Brandon!!


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