Thursday Thoughts while Thinking
Was Hunter Biden the inspiration for the new program to distribute free crack pipes? What's next, free guns to robbers? That way there is no need to steal one. Democrats can claim that they are reducing gun crimes.
Are the free crack pipes going to bear one of those "US Government property, not for resale" labels? Isn't it illegal to distribute drug paraphernalia?
Given Hunter Biden's history, why didn't any Democrats mention the "crack pipe" to Joe Biden?
It's good to see a liberal pantywaist like Justin Trudeau up to his ass in angry truckers.
Gas is up 20 cents a gallon in the last two weeks. Biden's energy plan at work?
If the Europeans can't get fuels from the Russian pipelines, they will have to depend on the OPEC countries. That is like the Biden plan in the United States. Stop producing fuel here, so that we can buy it at a higher price from the Arabs.
When the liberals achieve their goal of complete vaccination of everyone in the country, what happens when the virus refuses to disappear?
President DeSantis. 'Nuff said.
If I run a "Help Wanted" ad that says, "Opening for white woman", I will be in trouble. Biden announces that he will nominate only a black woman for the Supreme Court and liberals are thrilled. Sorry folks, but that racism and discrimination knife cuts both ways.
I actually pity the nominee. They will always be known as the "best black female" nominee. That's like being the "smartest Democrat in the room".
Nikki Haley has come to life and is blasting Biden and the Democrats. Is this an audition for the VP spot alongside President DeSantis?
I am going to a Civil War seminar this weekend. I am just not sure what about what kind of firearm to take. Do I go with larger caliber or high capacity? My wife is going with me, so we will just mix and match on the firearm thing. (If you are one of those leftists who abhor the concept of personal protection, this is humor, of a sort.)
Empty shelves abound in stores, despite "Lying Jen" Psaki's assertions that the shelves are 90% filled. The problem is that liberals don't work in real businesses and don't understand how commerce works. The 80/20 rule is pretty accurate. 20% of items will account for 80% of sales. What fills the shelves now is crap that people won't buy. If you go looking for chicken and the store is out, it doesn't matter if they have fifty different kinds of deodorant on the shelf.
The Border Patrol is not allowed to seal the southern border, but their aircraft guys are being used for security at the Super Bowl. Brain-dead Biden needs to explain this one.
There is a horde of millionaires both playing in and attending the Super Bowl on Sunday. Let them and the arrogant bastards at the NFL pay for security. They can get their television broadcasters and commercial sponsors to kick in. Why should the taxpayers foot that bill?
I have had a bunch of German, French, Polish, and Romanian readers in the last couple of weeks. I guess they are all wondering why we are sending troops there to protect Ukraine. Shouldn't we actually send the troops to Ukraine?
I still haven't received those Brigitte Bardot pictures from the French readers.
Let's Go Brandon!!
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