Monday, February 14, 2022


 "We have to do something" is the national mating cry for liberals. When enough of them get together and sing this song, the nation gets screwed.

It has been their battle song throughout the COVID-19 disaster. "We have to do something" is what brought us lockdowns that didn't stop a disease, masks that won't stop a virus, social distancing that varied from nation to nation without any explanation of how that could work, and vaccines that don't prevent you from getting a disease. While drug makers enjoy legal immunity, our leaders want to pump us all full of drugs that don't deliver as promised. There are no long-term studies of the effect of these vaccines. Actually, there is a default long-term study and if you have had the vaccine, you are a participant. "We have to do something."

We sanitized surfaces to stop a disease that isn't spread by contaminated surfaces. We put up plexiglass shields to give us something to clean and a false sense of security. None of it works, but "we have to do something".

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, I was at Tinker Elementary at MacDill AFB in Tampa. We had bomb drills in case of a nuclear attack. If I had known then what I know now, I would have sat at my desk and read a comic book. Instead, we huddled under our desks with the foolish notion that being there would protect us. Can I get a show of hands from those who believe hiding under a desk would have enabled me to survive a nuclear missile attack? But, "we have to do something"?

Liberals think that we can control every aspect of our lives. They all want to tell us how to live our lives, but they don't follow their own advice. Given their own obedience of their mask mandates, there is more than ample evidence that they don't believe what they tell us, and they don't follow their own rules. When they say, "We have to do something", they mean "YOU have to do something".

What would have happened with COVID if we had done nothing? Would the disease have swept through the country quickly and actually have killed fewer people? Did all of our efforts actually stretch out the disease?  Did lockdowns cause people to spend more time with sick people? Did banning church services affect spiritual health?  Did six year olds learn anything from "virtual learning"? Did anyone benefit from "virtual learning", other than teachers unions? Was the increase in suicides a tradeoff for a cut in COVID deaths? How many people who died after taking the vaccine would be alive today, if not for vaccine mandates? Did the media and governmental hysteria cause more deaths? How many old people just gave up because they were being told that they would probably die?  How many businesses were destroyed by governors who think that they are kings? We will never have any answers to these questions because the federal medical dictators failed to have a control group. Yes, those clowns who keep talking about "following the science", failed to follow scientific methods. There actions invalidated the data from their worldwide science experiment. "We have to do something". 

Let's look at the late 20th century history of "We have to do something".

Vietnam - we had to do something/WHTDS. We couldn't let Vietnam go Communist. More than 55 years later, guess who rules Vietnam? If you guessed Communists, go to the front of the class. We had more than 50,00 young men killed, and hundreds of thousands wounded. Not to mention the thousands who died after coming home from government WHTDS programs like Agent Orange. The only tangible result is cheap sneakers and textiles from Vietnam today. WHTDS

Afghanistan- Thousands of killed and wounded. We wasted trillions of dollars driving up the national debt and for what? The same people run Afghanistan now as in 2000. At least, the Taliban has an anti-drug policy.  WHTDS

Iraq? See Vietnam and Afghanistan above. WHTDS

Iran? In 1953, the British MI6 and our CIA engineered a coup to overthrow the elected leader of Iran and bring the Shah back to power. How did that work out for us? WHTDS

Grenada? Panama?  Same story, I don't care which political party made the decision. WHTDS

The Ukraine? How many Americans can find Ukraine on a map? No fair asking Hunter Biden or Alexander "Whistleblower" Vindman. WHTDS

If you want to do nation building, let's do it right here at home. Secure our borders like you want to secure Ukraine's borders. Send the army to "OUR" border to keep people out. If you believe that we have to do something, do this!

This week's winner in the WHTDS contest is spending $30 million to distribute "safe smoking" kits to drug addicts. The White House is now denying that the kits will contain crack pipes. It doesn't matter, they are sending out kits to help people break the law and use drugs "safely". They tell us that they are doing this for "racial equity". I guess that explains the lip balm in the kits. What kind of shit are these bureaucrats smoking? WHTDS? Really?

My personal belief is that sometimes the hardest decision is to decide to do nothing. Given a little time, many things work out on their own. Maybe what we have to do is tell someone to solve their own problems. As parents, the day eventually comes when you have to let your children make their own decisions. We can't spend our lives making decisions for others. Sometimes, we just have to do nothing. I know this concept is anathema to busy-body liberals but give it a shot guys.

If you want to do something, try praying about your problem. It is said that the most frequent answer to prayer is no answer. There's a message in that, do nothing. Try it!


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