Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
These words are from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. This is the story of Daniel reading the handwriting on the wall for King Belshazzar of Babylon. They first appear in Daniel 5:25-5:28. In Sunday School in the 1960's, I had a Revised Standard Version of the Bible. In the RSV at that time, it appeared as "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres". In today's world with a multitude of versions available, Peres has been replaced in Verse 25 in most versions by "Upharsin, Pharsin, Phares, or Parsin. Don't obsess on that detail, the meaning doesn't change. Besides that, Peres starts Verse 28.
The King of Babylon called Daniel in to read the writing on the wall that had appeared during some party he was having. Daniel announced that the words were "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin". In simple English that is "Number, Number, Weight, Division." It translates as "God has measured the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end. You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Your kingdom will be divided among the Medes and the Persians." That night the King was killed.
What does all of this mean? I am glad that you asked. Last night I was reading the news and saw that Gov. Roy Cooper was urging local governments to end mask mandates and urging school systems to do the same. What happened? A few hours later, Guilford County ended their mask mandate. This just hours after the county commission chairman said that it was too early to end it. The vote to end it was unanimous. Why? The handwriting is on the wall and even the Democrats can see it.
Roy and other Democrats have all suddenly seen the handwriting on the wall. There is an election in eight months, and they have to start changing their stories. Will lockdowns and mask mandates play in Peoria? Apparently not, as they are falling faster than Bill Clinton's pants at the sight of an intern. Frankly, I thought that Glenn Youngkin's win in November would have opened their eyes. But no, they are actually even dumber than we thought.
Liberals can thank their friends in the media for this turnaround. For the last three weeks, the American news media has been trying to portray a bunch of truck drivers sitting in their trucks in Ottawa as some kind of terrorist group. Outside of Trudeau and his leftist friends in Parliament, nobody's buying this story.
People are starting to see the light. It was never about a disease; it was about power. It was about power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats who wanted to control every aspect of our lives. American liberals can thank Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau for this sudden enlightenment. While Americans watch, Trudeau wants to impose martial law on Canada to stop horn blowing truck drivers. You're shitting me, right? Trudeau has not even met with these folks. He just knows that they are a threat to his rule and his time in office.
How stupid is Justin Trudeau? Speaking yesterday in Parliament. he linked a Jewish member to a flag with a swastika. There's a good move, dumbass. Joe Biden and Circle Back Psaki have been saying that Trudeau needs to use his federal powers to end the protests. These are the same people who praised BLM for "mostly peaceful protests" where cities were burned and looted. Bad news for Biden and Little Fidel, the truckers are a much more diverse group than you are accustomed to dealing with normally.
Americans are smart enough to see that if this can happen in Canada, it can happen here. Democrats have blown their cover by supporting Trudeau. They can't produce any stories about truck drivers in Ottawa burning, looting, or pillaging. All the liberals want is to shut down everyone with opposing views and suddenly everyone can see that. Nancy Pelosi and the Jan 6 Committee might want to take note of this.
In San Francisco, they recalled three school board members who were too liberal. Gasoline prices jumped another ten cents yesterday. Biden is saying that gasoline will go over $4 a gallon if Russia invades Ukraine. You can't find crackers on the shelves at the grocery store, and you need to arrange financing before buying a chuck roast. Used cars are selling for more than they did as new cars. The Dems dream wage of $15 an hour won't buy what $10 would before Democrats took control in Washington. The handwriting is on the wall and Democrats don't even have to call in Daniel to read it.
AS Martin Luther King once said, America and the media have about a ten-day attention span. Democrats have got to work to get America to forget their attempts to regulate every aspect of Americans' lives. Meanwhile, conservatives have all the evidence of the Democrats motives and actions. We can't let anyone forget.
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