Monday, March 07, 2022

I'm no Nostradamus, but..........

 On January 24, 2021, four days after the inauguration of Pendejoe Biden, I was at the Raleigh Market selling some of my "fine" collectibles. I always put up a few signs in my space because I like for customers to be forewarned about the territory they are about to enter.

Some signs are just informative, some are just sarcasm (imagine that), and some are political. Some people like them, some people don't like them, and I don't really care what they think. My purpose is to get people to slow down and look at my merchandise. It works.

A complaint from a gay rights activist about an anti-Biden sign earned me a late afternoon visit from a member of the management team. She said that my signs were political and offensive. I pointed out that within my view, there was a vendor selling Black Lives Matters flags, shirts, and stickers. There was also a vendor selling anti-Trump shirts, another selling pro-Trump stuff, a guy selling flags of all nations, and more than one person selling books. I explained that these were all "political items". She told me that the gay whiner had told them that he would put it on "social media" if my signs were not removed. It was closing time when she visited me, so I just told her that I would not be back. I may have said more than that, the reader is left to their own imagination. 

I spent $100-$120 on space rent there every weekend. I wasn't there every weekend, but at least 30 to 35 weekends a year. For the math impaired, that's more than $3000 a year in revenue for the Raleigh Market. They paid $3000 to placate a complaining gay guy.

Will I ever go back to the Raleigh Market? Every five years, the state puts up the flea market contract for bid. If a different owner gets the contract, I might go.  If not, there of plenty of other places interested in taking my money. I have managed to stay busy selling "stuff" without going to Raleigh.

So, what does all of this have to do with the "Nostradamus" in my title for this rant? Pictured below is my anti-Biden sign that upset the gay guy. It wasn't an insult; it was an economic prophecy. Call me "Nostra" for short.


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