Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Miss Alenius

 Nothing is better than listening to Biden or Harris speak without a teleprompter. Their pictures should be in the dictionary to define the word "incoherent".

Has anyone heard anything about the black guy in Waukesha, Wisconsin who drove through the Christmas Parade crowd killing six and injuring 65? He was black and all of the victims were white. Heard anything about hate crime charges? This story has fallen out of the news. Wonder why?

Spring in the South and the Midwest is always marked by severe weather. This is what happens when cold air and warm air collide.  The news media seems to be perpetually surprised by this. Spoiler alert: There will be hurricanes later in the year.

The Babylon Bee is in trouble with Twitter because they claim that a man is not a woman. They have been accused of "misgendering" the man. If I claim to be Jesus Christ, Napoleon, George Washington, or Santa Claus and begin to act and dress like any of those people, I am headed for a mental competency hearing. But if I claim to be a woman and dress like a woman, I am headed for the front page of the USA Today and prime time on CNN. If this makes sense to you, respond in writing immediately.

I saw a blurb in the news the other day about someone claiming that "tipping" is a legacy of slavery. A band of leftists has called for an abolition of the practice and to replace it with an increase in wages. I doubt that they have actually talked with a lot of tipped employees. 

After more than fifty years in the food service industry, my observations are more than "anecdotal". A lot of employees favor the current system. People like to have cash in their pockets. Despite the efforts of the IRS, I would estimate that 40 to 50% of tip income goes untaxed. Liberals do not want any connection between pay and performance. They want everyone to get paid the same amount. They do not want to reward exceptional performance. They want people to get paid just for getting a job. Performance, attitude, and attendance are not in liberal thoughts. I would hazard a guess that those employees favoring a guaranteed wage are mediocre to poor performers. 

In the 1980's the best-selling book was "In Search of Excellence". Almost every business leader had read that book. I keep waiting for the story of business in the 21st century to be published. I am pretty sure that the title will be "In Search of Mediocrity".

Have we seen any news stories about the Russian reasons for the war in Ukraine being told by Russians? Of course not, that might be fair and/or logical. Like the government in the COVID disaster, the leaders choose winners and losers and then set about to make that happen. This is why statues and monuments have to be torn down. These monuments tell another side of the story. For all of their wild claims about how open and understanding they are, liberals only want one side told, their side.

Heard from any of the fifty intelligence "experts" who declared the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation lately? How about a Congressional investigation into the expertise of these experts? We can watch Democrats lob softballs at them hoping not to break the chain of corruption.

Miss Alenius? In 1979, I managed a Taco Bell. A young lady named Darlene Louviere, worked for me there. Since I usually assign favored employees a nickname, hers was "Lava, Lava". She stated dating another employee, Nick Alenius. So, her nickname became Miss Alenius. Had I titled today's missive "miscellaneous", no one would have even paid attention. "Miss Alenius" on the other hand?  


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