Thursday, April 14, 2022

I Hate Ken Burns

 Sometime in the last couple of weeks, I sat down to watch the Ken Burns attack on Benjamin Franklin. I am unsure about why I even turned the television on, as everything Burns does pisses me off at some point in the presentation. I even hated his series on baseball. 

Burns did not disappoint me, as somewhere near the eighteen-minute mark in the opening episode, I cut off the television and slammed the remote control to the floor. 

Given everything that Franklin did in his life, devoting large segments of the show to discussions of his being a slaveowner, seemed senseless. This is how liberals measure accomplishment now. It doesn't matter what you did, did you own slaves? Once again, liberals measure actions of 250 years ago by our moral standards today. Is this even fair? This is how you punish someone for breaking a law that did not exist at the time that they lived. The only good thing about this is that it showed that slavery also existed in the Northern states. This is contrary to what dumbasses and college grads, which may be redundant, believe is true today. 

The only good news is that Burns is getting older and will soon be racing Biden in the Dementia Derby. 

PBS continues to expand the "vast wasteland" to the end of the universe. As I scanned stations this evening the PBS "News Hour?" was just coming on. The opening line was "Police kill another unarmed black man". No mention of the black guy who shot ten unarmed black people in the New York subway station. I will vote for the first son of a bitch running for President who promises to "defund" PBS. This may be the most offensive use of our tax dollars.

Liberals want to ban the word "plantation" because it is connected to slavery. The word "money" is also connected to slavery, but I have heard no cry for it to be banned.

The Yankees criticized the South for plantations and then they brought manufacturing to the South. Manufacturing has always been a pursuit of cheap labor and the Yankees didn't fail on this count. "Plantation" was already in use, so they brought "company towns" and "mill villages". They also thrived on child labor, but everyone in the media seems to be quiet about that item.

I saw that Disney is planning to build 1300 units of affordable housing for their employees in Florida. If you get invited to a party there, you probably want to fake death or something close to get out of that invitation

Plantations, mill villages, and company towns are terms that all have negative connotations now, so Disney went to the politically correct handbook and pulled out "affordable housing". It's "affordable" until you get fired, laid off or quit.

Last, but certainly not least, the Saudis are ridiculing Kameltoe Harris and Sleepy Joe on their national television. Before the networks all went "woke", they did stuff like that on television in this country. 


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