Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Thoughts

 My late brother-in-law was wounded while serving in Southeast Asia. He didn't get a Purple Heart because his unit was in a country that was not Vietnam when it happened. Despite government statements at the time, American troops also fought in Cambodia and Laos. Remember that when Biden says that American troops are not in Ukraine.

We are told that Americans are training Ukranian troops in Poland. Let me make sure that I understand this. Your country is under attack, and you are fighting for survival.  So naturally enough, you send your troops to a neighboring country for training? But you are training your civilians to fight right where they live. Yes, everyone sends their troops out of country for training during a war. 

In the ninth grade, Mrs. Jane Ward taught us how to diagram sentences. I thought that there was no practical use for that until Bill Clinton became President. "It depends on what the meaning of is is." Or my personal favorite, "I did not have sex with that woman." But Slick Willie was a piker compared to Kameltoe Harris. It's almost impossible to determine where her sentences stop or start. It's just a jumble of words. You will need a highway billboard sized piece of paper to diagram a Kameltoe sentence. Mrs. Ward, where are you now?

Sleepy Joe is blaming the price of gas on Putin. Who was responsible for all of the increases before he invaded Ukraine? Hint: He is most often seen on television getting ice cream cones or flirting with little girls.

Bored, looking for an entertaining video to watch?  I haven't ordered the product but I loved the video.

In 1967 to help Disney develop the Magic Kingdom, the state legislature created two cities or governmental districts that are in reality the Disney Corporation. The head of each government is a Disney executive. This made it easier for Disney to develop that swampland and turn it into a money-making machine. Now that Disney has decided that they want to tell the state government how to operate, DeSantis today suggested that it may be time for the legislature to revisit that setup. I told you yesterday it wouldn't take long for Florida to strike back.

No word from the FBI on what is going on in the Hunter Biden case. Merrick Garland was overheard telling a subordinate, "If only he had yelled at a school board member, we could have already charged him."

It is time to end lifetime jobs for federal judges. Maybe they can study biology after they leave the bench.

It bothers me to see so much support for Ukraine. The United States has a habit/tradition of supporting corrupt regimes in struggles against communist takeovers. Meanwhile here in our country, we inch closer to communism everyday. Communism, monarchies, socialist states and the United States all have one thing in common. They all have a ruling class. Only the monarchists are honest about it.

Susan Collins announced that she will vote for the affirmative action nominee for the Supreme Court. The media describes this as "bi-partisan support". When Joe Manchin announced that he would not support the Build Back Better plan, the media did not use the "bi-partisan" term.

Despite all of the sexual hysteria we are dealing with in this country, there are a few simple facts to remember. You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, you may even be able to pick your friend's nose, but you can't pick your gender. There are only two. It will take more than a surgeon to play on the other team. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. 

Brittney Griner, who I had never heard of before the Russians arrested her, might want to consider standing the next time she hears the Star Spangled Banner. That is if she ever gets out of Russia and back to this country she hates. 


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