Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Eyewitless Wednesday

I emailed "Ma" Garland at the DOJ today. I can't find my checkbook and I asked that he put the FBI on the case. I explained that I had left my checkbook at the halfway house where I stayed while completing a twelve-step program on how to rid my life of. sarcasm. If you are contacted by the FBI, don't be alarmed. I also told "Ma" that my checkbook was marked "NATO Top Secret".

President and suspected child molester Biden will be addressing the nation tomorrow night from Independence Hall. In Las Vegas they are taking bets on whether or not Biden will claim to have been there when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

I saw a video where Biden ridiculed gun owners who claimed that they needed "assault" rifles to fight a country that might invade us. He said that "You need an F-15" not a rifle. First, Joe Molester, F-15's first were delivered to the military in 1972. They are working their way out of date. They have been killing enemies as long as you have been slopping at the public trough. Of course, I have never seen an F-15 swoop down and sniff a little girl's hair, I can't say the same about you. Second, we sent military rifles and other weapons to Ukraine so that they could arm their civilians. So, in Ukraine rifles will work to fight an invading country, but they won't work on invaders in this country? We did not send them any F-15's. Last, but certainly not least, the Taliban had no airplanes. That didn't stop them from running our asses out of Afghanistan. 

The North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP had their tax-exempt status revoked for failing to file a federal income tax return for three years. That actually happened on May 15, it was just announced. If Trump was running the NAACP, they would have had Treasury agents swarming the NAACP headquarters looking for a list of donors. It would have been announced on May 15, not August 30.

Bank of America announced a program for zero dollars down for home mortgages in Black and Hispanic communities. Have they ever offered this in white communities?  By any standard this is racism. Memo to voters: We can't bail out the banks again. 

The Labor Day Weekend Flea Market starts Friday morning in Hillsville, Virginia. VFW market opens at 7:00 AM. Sarcasm and smartass comments start at 7:04. I am about a four-minute walk from the front gate if you were wondering about the delay.

The United States is such an unusual place. Where else in the world do so many poor people suffer from obesity? I was on the road behind a school bus this afternoon. It would make for quicker stops if they had a ramp for the chubby little bastards to slide down instead of having to ease down the steps. Then they get into the car so their parents can drive them the fifty yards to their front doors. I remember when kids played outside rather than virtually on a computer system. Hard to get into shape moving a joystick?


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tactless Tuesday?

 Does Joe Biden still shower with his daughter, Ashley? Asking for a friend.

The Democrat in the US Senate race in Pennsylvania bears a striking resemblance to Uncle Fester on the Addams Family. He should have dropped out after the stroke. Instead, he's going with the Biden Basement Campaign strategy. They probably have enough leftover ballots from 2020 that will help him.

That should be a great campaign in Pennsylvania. It's the Wizard of Oz going up against Uncle Fester.

Is the Joe Biden who is President the same Joe Biden who claimed that he was going to "unify" the country? Asking for a semi fascist friend.

The White House Press Lesbian Buffoon of Color claims that no one is walking across the southern border. Does KJP have access to a computer or a television set? They really need to teach her to read.

I am contemplating filing a Freedom of Information request for the FBI in regard to every case where they have searched for a missing diary. Other than Ashley Biden's, of course. I am guessing there are no other cases.

The leftist media, which is almost redundant, tells us that Ashley Biden left her diary and her cellphone in a bedroom of a home where she was staying. First, they fail to mention that the home was a halfway house in a drug program. Second, how long should it take for Ashley to realize that she didn't have her cellphone? An hour maybe? Maybe she was hurrying home to shower with Dad? Of course, nothing in this case makes sense.

Is Joe Biden just using the FBI as some kind of baby-sitting force to keep track of his children? Asking for angry taxpayers everywhere.

In his speech coming on Thursday, Biden is to announce more funding for the ATF to reduce gun violence. Just a quick refresher course in history here, the ATF started the slaughter of American citizens at Waco. That did a lot to reduce gun violence, didn't it?

If Biden wants to have the ATF work on gun crimes, he should direct them to his son Hunter, who lied on the firearm purchase paperwork. Maybe if the First Son did some prison time, someone might actually believe Joe.

We are not getting an intelligent answer when we ask about why the southern border is wide open. Okay. I want to know why the other three borders aren't open. Are those the entry points for those who might be conservatives?

Who knew that a slogan like "Make America Great Again" would be attacked and ridiculed by a political party that claims to be the "party of the people"? Asking for a basket of deplorables.

I haven't heard any news of a Jill Biden speech since she ordered the breakfast tacos. And people question my judgement.

Just to show that FBI stupidity is not new, Mickey Dolenz, the only remaining member of the Monkees, has filed suit against the FBI to get the information they gathered by surveilling the Monkees more than 50 years ago.  The Monkees, now there's a national security threat.

Instead of attacking Trump for his handling of classified documents, let's find out why we have so damned many secrets. We know every other nation's secrets, why are we surprised to learn that they know ours?

Does Russia have the Coca-Cola formula? Do the French know the Colonel's eleven herbs and spices? How many countries can make a Twix bar? Do the English have a secret sauce recipe? Can anyone duplicate a Sister Schubert's yeast roll? Was Chef Boyardee an Italian defector? Let's talk about some stuff that matters.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Asking the wrong question?

 In one of his books that I read more than thirty years ago; Roger von Oech wrote about people getting the wrong answer because they are asking the wrong question. So, today we are going to explore this idea.

A big problem around the nation at this time of the year is "How can we hire enough school bus drivers?". Judging by the news tonight, no one has an answer. The question should be, "Why are we bussing so many students?" If you ask this question the school systems will tell you that it is all about racial balance in schools. Fourteen years after electing a half black man President, people still are chasing racial issues. Why?

If we eliminate bussing for integration, we can save billions of dollars a year. The teachers union thinks that black kids will learn better if their teacher is black. Is the Justice Department taking them to court for saying this? If we go back to neighborhood schools, we can help stave off the feared "climate change". Just think of the reduction in emissions by parking 60% of the nation's school busses. I can't believe that liberals aren't begging for this solution. They can reduce bussing, or they can park John Kerry's private jet and Paul Pelosi's Porsche.

Almost two years after the 2020 election, people are still asking "How did Trump lose?" What we should ask is "How did a guy with dementia campaigning from his basement win?"  Just a local example here on this one. A Democratic group sued the state of North Carolina (including the state legislature) to change rules on absentee ballots. The State Board of Elections signed a settlement agreement without involving the legislature and their leaders (who were part of the lawsuit).  The Board did not have the authority to change election laws. So, when the legislature leaders challenged this, the Board of Election told us that they had not changed the laws, they had only changed the rules.  In the old days, we would have taken these people out and shot them.

"Why hasn't the FBI taken action in the Hunter Biden case?" The real question is "What does Hunter have on Joe Biden that is preventing the FBI from charging him?"

"Why did the FBI raid Trump's home at Mar-A-Lago?" The real question is "What does Hunter have on Joe Biden that is preventing the FBI from charging him?" This whole thing is about getting the Biden Family Chronicles off the news shows.

In the last few years, several newly elected sheriffs in metropolitan areas in North Carolina have decided not to work with ICE on holding illegal immigrants. Various people have asked "Why don't you want to work with ICE?" This gives the Sheriff the opportunity to talk about how some people in the community are afraid of ICE. The right question is "As Sheriff, why don't you want to enforce the law of the land?"  Sadly, a deputy in Wake County was murdered a couple of weeks ago. Two men have been charged in the murder. It appears that the two men are here illegally. One was actually in another county jail being held for the federal government when he was indicted. "Sheriff, why don't you want to enforce the law of the land?"

This one seems to never change. "Why do police shoot so many black men?" No news reporter has EVER asked the right question, "Why do so many black men want to fight with the police?"   

Wrong question, "Is this all?" Right question, "How much more of this swill can you read?"

Monday, August 22, 2022

Monday Moaning is here

 The Prime Minister of Finland is being criticized for dancing and consuming alcohol, at a party recently. Call me when there are photos of her sniffing some little boy's hair. Does she have a son taking bribes from foreign countries? Are there messages describing her as the "Big Girl"? Are the Finnish police building a wall around her house? These stories are just an attempt by the media to make Biden look less demented.

The NFL will be wrapping up the "preseason" next week. I don't understand the whole "preseason" idea in the NFL. Maybe it works for the players, but that is because they are just screwing the fans. Most teams, if not all, require that season ticket holders purchase tickets for the preseason games. People are playing regular season prices to see a bunch of guys play who will be working a drive-thru window in a few weeks.

I will be contacting the NFL Players Association next week looking for work. In the Watson Massage theatrical presentation, the NFL commissioner selected the person who investigated Watson and made the initial judgment. Then when the issue was appealed, the Commissioner picked the person to hear the appeal and to decide the case. So, one of two the parties in a legal issue picked, hired, and paid the person who made the decision. No chance of any bias there, right? The players association had this in a contract. Really? I don't know who is dumber, those who negotiated this deal or those players who voted to approve it. The players are obviously in need of competent leadership. I can start immediately!!

I read an article about how many teachers are leaving the public schools in droves. First, we should have never allowed public employees to form a union. Beyond that, there are some teachers that we would be better off with them gone. Maybe they are just tired of having to raise people's children as well as educating them. The public schools are filled with millions of little bastards who constantly misbehave and aren't interested in learning. If you put their asses out, the teachers will stay. Allow me to remind you for about the hundredth time, Public Education is the experiment, and it is failing badly. Hell, it is barely Public Education anymore. It is actually a government sponsored daycare and feeding operation.

This is one of those weeks that NASCAR drivers are making right turns also. Look for the accident rate to go up!

The Hillsville Labor Day Flea Market is less than two weeks away. It starts on Friday, September 2 at 7:00 AM. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the big days. On Mondays, vendors are usually packing up and having their intelligence insulted by bottom feeders looking for things below bargain price. I will be in the Grover King VFW lot where the Labor Day flea market originated many years ago. Follow the crowd to my spaces.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Must be the dog days of August?

 It's obvious to even a Democrat that there is a crime wave sweeping the country right now. Yet in the midst of an increase in shootings (and murders), the Justice Department is laser focused on Donald Trump. If Ma Garland could pull his head out of his ass long enough to see past D.C, he would be able to see this. Police officers are getting shot in growing numbers around the nation. Somebody needs to tell Ma Garland that is a real national security issue.

They are dying in droves in Chicago. It is so bad in Chicago that several young black men have indicated a desire to re-enlist in the Army so that they can go back to somewhere safer like Afghanistan.

The US government is spending half a million dollars to build a "security fence" at the Biden beach house in Delaware. The house is on a lot that is 0.34 acres. That is 14,810 square feet. That works out to about a 100 foot by 150 foot lot.  So, there's about 500 linear feet of property line. That means the government is spending $1000 per foot for that fence. What kind of material is that fence? Taxpayers are paying to improve his property. Will we get our money back if he sells it? Will we tear it down after he leaves office? Biden stopped construction on the border wall but is okay with one at his house? Since the "fence" improves the value of his property, is that a taxable benefit? Are they going to send him a 1099? This is so absurd that we may be compelled to redefine "hypocrite". 

After leaving the Vice President job in 2017, Biden and his wife bought the beach house for a little more than $2.7 million. The VP makes $235,100 a year. He bought a vacation house that cost 12 times his annual salary. Nothing suspicious there?  Biden claims that he made millions of dollars giving speeches after the Vice President gig ended. We have all heard him talk. That statement about his source of income is at best an outright lie. Unless it was the "Big Guy" giving "speeches" to the Chinese and the Ukrainians, he didn't make more than minimum wage giving speeches. I guess selling influence paid the bills.

In California, groups of people just rush into stores and steal whatever they want. Where's the Hair Gov on all of this?

A church school in Valrico, Florida has announced that they will not admit transgender and homosexual students. The media is going wild. Disclaimer: My wife and I used to live in Valrico. Back to the church school, it's a religious school. They have a right to set their moral standards. If you don't like it, change schools. Frankly I am having trouble picturing someone sending a "transgender" child to a church school. What do they say at prayer time? "Sorry God, but you made me the wrong sex. But don't worry, my surgeon will cover for you."

This whole "gender affirming" shit has left the realm of common sense. First, I don't let children decide what is for dinner, much less whether or not they should have a surgery that dramatically raises the chance of suicide. Second, if you want to pretend that you are Joan of Arc or a man or a woman or Joe Biden, go ahead. But you can't make me pretend with you. I am into facts and the fact is that this is the stupidest thing that we have done in this nation. Outside of the United States and Europe, is the rest of the world doing this?  Of course not, they aren't so arrogant as to think that they can control everything.

Why do we think that we can control everything? I thought that COVID was proof that we can't control squat. Remember "15 days to stop the spread"? Here in North Carolina, Governor Crapper finally gave up the other day after 888 days of failure. Social distancing, curfews, lockdowns, shelter in place, face masks, no church, remote learning, vaccines, vaccine boosters all failed to stop the disease. News flash!! Mankind is NOT all powerful.

Here's a thought. Maybe COVID was an ad for the power of God. Enjoy your Sunday!!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Screwed by the NFL?

 The NFL sucks billions of dollars out of communities for stadiums but punishes DeShaun Watson for contact with a masseuse. The NFL screws entire communities, Watson was trying for a single masseuse. The NFL is incapable of monitoring their own moral behavior, why should anyone pay attention to what they say about others?  

I still think that Watson asking to have a non-disclosure agreement signed before the massage began should have been a warning sign. Wasn't bringing his own towel a hint that something was amiss? Was he planning a remake of "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"? If he does, I want the role of the sheriff, "Cussing Sheriff Ed Earl!"

The FBI investigates Republicans while Antifa runs free. Is Merrick Garland that stupid or is he a Communist? You can pick more than one answer.

The IRS is stockpiling ammunition and weapons before increasing their staffing levels. That auditing thing must be dangerous work. Call me when they start auditing Black Lives Matter.

See Mar-A-Lago!! From the producers of Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Russian Collusion. Coming to a television set near you.

The ATF sent 80 agents in trucks and horse trailers to invade the Branch Davidian compound. I guess arresting Koresh at the Sheriff's office who he met with regularly or while he was out jogging was too mundane for the ATF to make the national news. They acted like the FBI at a school board meeting.

The Obama Library will be the first Presidential library since Hoover not to have the National Archives administer the document collection. The Obama Library will put everything online for people to view. Yet, the National Archives show no concern that Obama will share "national secrets". Why are they all excited by Trump? Oh, that's right, Trump is a Republican.

George W. Bush is a Democrat in drag. Actually, Bush is a member of the Uniparty that traditionally runs DC and hates Trump.

Where is the NFL's push for more Hispanics to play in the NFL? Will they play the Mexican national anthem at games? Will the slogans on the helmets be in Spanish? Will they replace Gatorade with some kind of mango soda? Will the scoreboards be compelled to go bi-lingual?

How many Asians are there in the NFL? Save me from writing, just insert Asian in the above paragraph for Hispanic.

I lived in Tampa when the Tampa Bay Bucs first started. I didn't think that pro sports could be any worse. Then I moved to North Carolina. 

The Fulton County District Attorney has a grand jury to help in the investigation of Trump trying to affect the election outcome there. Will there be a grand jury investigation into why Fulton County stopped counting votes at 10:00 PM and then restarted a few hours later with Biden suddenly in the lead?

Fraud, by definition, is not readily obvious, and requires extensive investigation. Liberals all claim that there was no voter fraud but are unwilling to do a serious investigation. To claim that there is no fraud without a serious investigation is factually challenged.

If you are calling Trump a liar for saying that some nursing homes in Wisconsin had 100% of their votes for Biden, then show us those votes.  

In North Carolina, we are still celebrating the end of Gov. Crapper's "888 days to slow the spread" emergency. Now he is working on the "monkeypox" crisis. I have a hundred bucks that says he won't quarantine, curfew, or lockdown those folks. They are special to liberals.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Segregation- Back to the future?

 Looking for cheap entertainment, I turned on the television news this morning. The rewards were beyond my highest hopes. 

In Minneapolis, they have settled a teacher's strike with a new contract. This new contract calls for layoffs to be based not on seniority, but on race. Yes, white teachers have to be laid off before black teachers and those of other colors. Apparently, news of the Constitution has not made it to Minnesota yet. School officials claim that this will make up for sins of the past. Supporters of this race-based discrimination claim that students learn better when they are taught by someone "who looks like them". They speak of studies that show students learn more when taught by people of their own race. I have been waiting almost 70 years to hear someone justify segregation and finally a group of black "educators" is doing it. I am almost speechless, but that won't keep me from writing.

When white people made these same claims, they were labeled "racists". Today it is black people making these claims. Will they be labeled as "racists"? If not, why not?

Public school integration started in the late 1950's, picked up in the 1960's and exploded in the 1970's. The federal government pushed school integration as the way to save our nation from racism. What it did was save our nation from education. School systems crammed socialization among the races as the new "education". We stopped learning math and science so that we could focus on making new friends of other races. Blacks and whites both focused on race relations as the goal of public education. Race relations, sports, and feeding lower income students became the standards by which schools were graded.  Asian students and parents didn't take the bait, so they kept learning math and science. This explains the achievement gap today.

There are many more private and church schools today compared to 1962. Why? People want their children to learn. If public schools work, why do politicians who support public schools send their children to private schools? Why did Barack Obama send his daughters to a private church school? Surely, he was not going to deny them the socialization experience of public schools. Maybe, he just wanted them to learn something. I sent my kids to private schools to get an education. They learned socialization skills at church and work. It can work for your kids too! 

Standardized test scores have been on the decline for the last 50 years. They keep changing the tests to stop the slide, but students do worse every year. Kids today can't find their way home from school without using the GPS on their smart(?) phone that everyone over five years old carries now. Of course, they don't need the exercise that they would get by walking to and from school, so overloaded parents drive the little bastards everywhere they go.

They can't read, they can't write, they think that cursive is some kind of spy code, they don't know anything about history. But they know every athlete's jersey number. Of course, they can't add two jersey numbers together.

Maybe some of the teachers are right? Maybe we need to go back to segregated schools. If we weren't focusing on our roles as black people or white people, we could go back to learning. Liberals don't know whether to shit or go blind on this whole situation. 

When I graduated from high school there were hundreds of all male and all female colleges. Today there are about thirty all female colleges and three all male colleges. Almost every study ever done shows that students learn better in a single sex school. But the liberals and the government had to screw that up as well. What they have done has failed. It's time to learn again.

Write this down. The purpose of schools is to educate our children. It is not some kind of experiment in socialization. 

There is one more important thing to add to this. My older son attended Ballenger Academy in Greensboro for a few years. Patsy Ballenger had this in the Parent-Student handbook, "Education at Ballenger is not a spectator sport. We expect parents to be involved." My wife and I followed that guiding point. Today my son and his wife follow that same point with their child. Get involved, it works.

Let's go back to the future!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday's Top O' the Morning Taunts and Topics

 Yesterday, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper ended his state of emergency on COVID-19. Yes, Roy's "888 days to slow the spread" effort is finally over. Cooper is a walking case to vote Republican in 2022.

Roy Cooper is everything that is wrong with career politicians. We need a way to recall the governor in North Carolina. In the meantime, MNCGA, Impeach Roy Cooper.

The FBI has returned Donald Trump's passports to him after seizing them in their raid last week. Interestingly enough, the passports are NOT on the list the FBI gave him of items seized in the raid. This begs the question, "What else did they seize that is not on that last?"

The IRS is busy stocking up on body armor, ammunition, and weapons for their 87,000 new agents that the Democrats have voted to fund. One would think that tax collectors would be stocking up on computers and office equipment to collect taxes.

Rep. Adam "Krazy" Kinzinger leaves me longing to listen to Hank Johnson talk about Guam capsizing.

Loose Lips Liz Cheney is up for re-election in the primary in Wyoming today. Here's hoping that voters in Wyoming are smarter than the House of Representatives in Washington. 

Merrick Garland is too much name for our Attorney-General. Let's just change it to Ma Garland.

The word "breached" is being way overused in the media today. We are told that demonstrators "breached The Capitol". Last week's news was that a guy "breached" an FBI office in Cincinatti. Just for the record, entering a building through an open and unlocked door is not "breaching" a building. At the Capitol hundreds just walked through the doors, that wasn't "breaching".  The loons who were climbing over the walls and through the windows were "breaching" the building. Meanwhile, the Democrats have voted to allow the IRS to "breach" our bank accounts.

The Democrats are telling us what great work the IRS and the FBI do. How's that IRS investigation of Black Lives Matter finances going? When did we last hear about the FBI and their investigation of Antifa? 

This is like the State of New York being so busy investigating Donald Trump and the NRA that they don't have time to protect their citizens in New York City from people trying to rob them and kill them. It's all about priorities and the citizens are never a priority for the government.

There must be nothing to read in Russia as I have had several page views from Russia lately. I was hoping that it was Britney Griner, but I doubt that she has Internet access in that jail cell. I also had several readers from Indonesia, but I figured that was Obama family members reading old posts about him.

Back to the integrity of the FBI for just one more shot. Just for the record, the FBI used massive levels of CS gas at Waco. We had signed a treaty not to use CS gas in warfare, but apparently, it is okay to use it against our own civilians. I am going to need an explanation for this reasoning. I will go ahead and send Ma Garland a note!

Elizabeth Warren says that many people have told her that they would vote for her if she had a penis. I am inclined to believe that most people said "brain" and not "penis". 


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday Think Tank

 I see that Granny Garland, the Attorney General, is upset that people are criticizing the FBI and the DOJ. Let me break it to you gently Merrick, as the saying goes, "Play stupid Games, Win stupid prizes."  When you declared that parents protesting at school board meetings were "domestic terrorists", you fired the first shot in this game. 

Granny Garland is upset about the coverage the FBI's raid at Mara Lago is getting and the public's response to it. This isn't about Donald Trump and "secret documents", this is about the never-ending liberal attacks on Trump to keep him from running for President again.  Did the FBI raid the Clinton's home to find the e-mails that Hillary eventually destroyed?  Did the FBI raid the Clinton's home to get back the furniture that they removed from the White House? The Obama Library group has 30 MILLION "unclassified" documents in their possession. Has anyone from the National Archives or the FBI verified that EVERY one of those documents is "unclassified"? It was the federal government who attacked innocent Americans at Waco. It was the FBI who took over and brought in the tanks. Who knew that wooden buildings would burn? The FBI abused the FISA courts and put the President of the United States and some of his staff under surveillance. If you really wonder why Americans don't trust the DOJ, look at what those people have done. The FBI doesn't deserve any respect.

Granny Garland, here's a thought. If you are looking to restore the credibility of the FBI, it's time to be honest. At a Senate hearing, an FBI representative was asked if there were any FBI informants or undercover agents in the crowd at the Capitol on January 6. She said that she could not answer that question. That answer was interpreted by anyone smarter than Joe Biden as a "Yes". Bring Ray Epps and any other informants and undercover agents to a real Congressional hearing where both sides are present and answer questions. While you are at it, bring the leader of the Michigan militia group with you. Since the FBI paid him $50,000 in taxpayer funds, we have a few questions for both of you. The purpose of the FBI is to enforce the laws, not to create criminal activity. Evidently, there is some confusion over at the Department of Justice.

The Democrats want to more than double the number of IRS agents. They want to add more than 87,000 agents. This would be like adding four divisions to the Army. Would the Democrats support that kind of increase in the military?

Having gone "woke" under General Milli Vanilli's leadership, the Army is struggling to maintain force levels. They report that this is the worst that it has been since the all-volunteer Army began in 1973. People used to join the Army to protect their country, now they join to have their transition surgery costs covered. How bad is it? For a few days in June, they waived the requirement for a high school diploma. Of course, a diploma doesn't mean they can read.

Just as a side comment, the USA Today (McPaper) wrote a couple of weeks ago that US soldiers were training Ukrainian soldiers in how to operate the equipment that we are sending Ukraine. I thought that we didn't have any troops fighting with the Ukrainians? This is how it started in Vietnam, we just sent some "advisors".   60,000 dead American soldiers later, we still have not learned.

The Democrats want more thorough background checks on gun buyers. They want to prosecute people who don't follow the gun laws. They want people to pay every penny that they should in taxes. They want to deal with serious drug users instead of potheads. They all agree on this but won't prosecute Hunter Biden who has broken all of these laws. If Granny Garland really wants some respect for the DOJ, charge Hunter Biden! Today.

This last one is for no one in particular but, if you have those "ear buds" in your ears, I don't think that you are paying attention and it is just plain rude. Mr. Manners says, "Take that shit out of your ears when you are talking to live humans in front of you." Yeah, Mr. Manners may be crude, but at least he isn't rude.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday's Child is full of Questions

 When COVID showed up, governors shut down states. They imposed curfews, shelter in place orders, shut down businesses, banned large groups, and generally imposed a police state. With monkey pox racing through the homosexual male community, are they doing anything like they did with COVID? Of course not, we can't treat gay people like common people.

They shut down bars to stop the spread of COVID, but have they shut down a single gay bar to slow the spread of monkey pox/cockpox?

President BS Biden and his chief liar KJP, the bullshit queen, both claimed that the inflation rate for July was 0%. These are the two dumbest people in DC and that's quite the accomplishment.

Sixty years ago, Norman Minow defined television as a "vast wasteland". Please have someone show him Tik Tok or Twitter.

Biden is going to the beach in South Carolina this week after recovering from his second case of COVID. In most jobs you have to get your work caught up before going on vacation.

More than fifty years after their deaths, the government records on John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King have still not been released by the government. Why the hurry and worry about the Trump papers? What happens if it turns out that Trump had declassified all the papers at Mar a Lago?

I love how the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies stage these enormous raids for negligible rewards. After Waco? These guys really are slow learners.

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? Find the movie Harry's War and watch it. I think that Ed Hermann is the star.

What happened with Ashley Biden's diary? 

New York is threatening to send busses full of people to Texas. They won't have any trouble finding volunteers.

Are they going to hire all of the 87,000 new IRS agents just to audit Black Lives Matter?

Why do some publications capitalize "Black", but not "white"? Is that racist?

Merrick Garland has time to chase Trump since the school boards aren't meeting during the summer and the "domestic terrorists" are on vacation. 

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff isn't paying attention to China as he worries about "white rage". I think that he ought to check out yellow rage in China. If were skilled in making videos, I would have Milli Vanilli singing "Yellow rage of China" to the tune of Yellow Rose of Texas. 

If I were Putin, I would offer Biden this trade, Brittney Griner for the people held by the DC police for being at the capital on Jan 6.

Monday, August 08, 2022

IRS to lead "Inflation Reduction"

 As expected, the Senate passed the "Inflation Reduction Act" today. If the Senate was a private business, the government would charge them with false advertising. How does voting to hire 87,000 new IRS agents reduce inflation? How does paying 250 IRS agents the same salary that the Vice-President of the United States makes reduce inflation? Sorry Joe (Manchin or Biden), but you will need to explain this one to us.

If you are a Republican running for office and you don't talk about this absurd bill, you are just too stupid to win. In a bill to reduce inflation, the Democrats are more than doubling the number of IRS agents. The attack ads can write themselves. 

Bernie Sanders keeps talking about how bad the bill is, but he voted for it anyway. Typical Democrat, no brains, no spine.

Major league baseball allowed Pete Rose to participate in a celebration in Philadelphia today. They have banned him from the game because he bet on baseball. Apparently, they aren't opposed to all betting. MLB umpires all wear the logo of a crypto exchange company, FTX. Crypto currency makes betting on baseball games look like a sure thing. Some reporter tried to question Rose about something involving a young girl more than 50 years ago. She got upset when he blew her off. So, the big news is old news. Nothing new there.

I met Pete one morning at the Waffle House. The Reds stayed at the hotel next door, and he came in one morning for breakfast. A few years later, he was sued by a young lady for child support. She claimed that she was his mistress. That young lady had gone to school with me. She was Terry Rubio, the Sweetheart of Pierce Junior High. Yeah, Pete's not exactly on the moral high ground, but is he worse than all of the other ballplayers? No matter what MLB says, Pete Rose holds the record for the most base hits. Pete Rose started the use of the "middle reliever", probably to help his team win and cover a bet. All teams use that same concept today. Are they all betting on baseball? Major League Baseball needs to check out the dictionary for "forgiveness".

The Senate bill addresses the current deduction limit on state and local taxes on individual tax returns. This allows those of us in poorer, lower tax states to subsidize those folks in high tax states. Thanks, guys. Screw you very much.

Bill Russell died this week. He played basketball in an era where you had to shoot the ball into the basket to score points. Standing next to the rim and cramming the ball through the hoop didn't count. If you tucked the ball in and started running, they called "traveling". Don't waste your time looking for that today.

Maybe if Biden had taken a couple of more booster shots, he would have only had COVID once?

Sunday, August 07, 2022

On a Sunday Morning Sidewalk Ver. 8.7

 The US Senate is working this weekend as Democrats try to cram the Inflation Reduction Bill down the nation's throat. 

A major part of "inflation reduction" is increasing funding at the IRS so that they can hire 87,000 more agents. They can also pay 250 of their agents the same amount that the Vice President of the United States is paid. There are approximately 800 or fewer billionaires in the United States. This means that there are at least 100 agents available to audit each billionaire to make sure that they pay their "fair share" (a phrase used extensively by Democrats) of taxes. If you believe that this is what will happen, contact me immediately about some real estate that I have for sale. No, these 87,000 new agents are going to make life miserable for the middle class. The middle class is where the government has always found the majority of their income. The middle class doesn't have tax lawyers and accountants. We just have to pay our taxes. Just out of curiosity, how does hiring IRS agents reduce inflation? After all, it is the "Inflation Reduction Bill".

Laffer said it best, "Have you ever heard of a country taxing its way to prosperity?"

The bill will give tax credits/rebates to people who buy electric vehicles. No mention of a plan on where the electricity will come from to power the cars. The people who qualify for the bigger rebates can buy the car but can't afford to make the monthly payments to keep the car. Then what? How will electric vehicles reduce inflation?

As long as I am on the electric vehicles theme, how many of the limos transporting the President are electric? How many Congressmen and Senators are driving electric vehicles every day? 

Manchin claims that Pelosi and Schumer will support a pipeline project bringing fuel to West Virginia. What happens when that pipeline project doesn't get approved? Can Manchin take back his vote on the Inflation Reduction Act? I was wrong, Joe is as dumb as a Democrat.

Leftists are now claiming that there is no recession because the number of people getting jobs jumped dramatically last month. If you leftist loons will allow me a moment, let me explain the realities of life to you. First, the reality of life is that the people who compile the statistics all work in the executive branch of the federal government run by Joe Biden. What would be the degree of difficulty in making a "mistake" in the numbers which will not be discovered until 2025? Maybe the real numbers will be released when John Kerry coughs up the info on his branch of government?

The good news for the government is that I actually believe that more people went back to work in July. I don't believe that the number is anywhere near what the government claims, but I believe that employment is up. Why is it up? Because inflation is so damn high that people can't get by on the government handouts and are having to go back to work. Not to mention the retirees are having to go back to work to be able to afford groceries. How about people having to get a second job to pay for that electric car or a couple of loaves of light bread?

How accurate is the data used to compile the stats? Is it actual counts or is it based on extrapolation and projections? Years ago, I got a notice one day about a form that I would have to fill out every month for at least a year about the number of employees and related information at the restaurant. I filled that form out every month and submitted it. It only took a couple of minutes because I made up all of the numbers. What are the chances that across the nation I was the only guy fudging the data? Yean, that's what I thought.

How accurate are government statistics? They tell us that inflation is a little over 9%. Things at the Dollar Tree are now $1.25, a can of sardines went from $1.00 to $1.39 at Food Lion, a pack of 3 fresh baked cookies at Walmart went from $1.00 to a $1.49. WOW! these numbers are much more than 9% higher. Do you think that these are the only items that jumped more than 9%? No, the government is just bullshitting us.

Let's just all pray that Democrats don't try to pass a bill called "The Grocery Price Reduction Act"!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Words of Wednesday

 The NFL has suspended DeShaun Watson for six games due to his massage parlor exploits. I am not defending DeShaun, but if you operate a legitimate massage parlor and a guy calls you for an appointment and tells you that he is bringing his own towel and wants you to sign a non-disclosure agreement, it might be best to say NO.

Joe and the Buffoons, the group handling our foreign affairs want to trade a Russian nicknamed "The Merchant of Death" for Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan. So, we want to trade an arms dealer for a female basketball player and a former Marine who was probably a spy. Really? 

Lots of people are pointing out that we are trying to get Griner out of a Russian jail for marijuana possession while we are putting people in jail here for the same thing. That's our government at work. I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana, even for medicinal purposes. When heroin first came out, it was hailed as a miracle drug.

If they are able to free Griner, she needs to sign an agreement to stand for the national anthem EVERY time that it is played. If not, jail her for being a Russian spy.

This is for all of the states and other groups suing drug stores and pharmaceutical companies over the "opioid epidemic". First, we have known for a long time that opium is addictive. If you run into Edgar Allen Poe in the afterlife, ask him about opium dens. Second, all of those drugs that you are complaining about were approved by the FDA. Yes, the same FDA that claims the COVID vaccines work. 

We need to quit acting like we don't have spies in other nations. Nobody believes that and it just makes us look stupid. Like we need to look stupid after electing Biden.

We have 16 intelligence agencies in the United States government, and nobody called what happened in Afghanistan? We need to cut back to two or three agencies. 

Democrats are trying to give Republicans the midterm elections, but Mitch Mcconnell and the other country club Republicans are too damned stupid to take them. Senate Republicans need to replace Mitch. I think that Rick Scott from Florida would be a good choice.  Or they could replace Mitch with that other Senator from Kentucky.

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

If It's Tuesday, it must be Taiwan

Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina wants the Music Midtown Festival to come to North Carolina after they cancelled in Atlanta. They reportedly cancelled because they cannot ban guns and other weapons at the event. Before inviting them to North Carolina, King Cooper should have checked on the average body count at that event. Maybe check out the overdose rate as well?

In California the other day, an 80-year-old guy stopped an armed robbery of his store by shooting the first robber in the door. The robber ran from the building screaming something at his accomplices that sounded like "he shot my f***ing arm off". The four criminals were arrested in the hospital parking lot as they sought treatment for their wounded associate. Of course, they were in a stolen BMW SUV. Another good guy with a gun story??

Nancy Pelosi is in Taiwan today. This trip is the best example of the term "junket". She and her Democratic colleagues are just out blowing taxpayer money. What purpose does this trip serve? If she wanted Chinese food, there's no shortage of that in California. Maybe she scheduled this trip before her husband had to sell all of that computer chip stock? Maybe there's a sale on breast implants in Taiwan? The only good news is that the Chinese media won't have to watch Biden stumble up the steps onto Air Force One.

Taiwan is just another example of the United States trying to choose between two equally corrupt governments. It's the Vietnam, Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, or Cuba story all over again. Just for the record, when Chiang Kai-Shek retreated to Taiwan in 1949, his first act was to declare martial law. He and his friends and family maintained total control until the first presidential election in 1996. So, it only took 47 years to have a "free" election.

Joe Manchin lives on a large boat while in Washington, DC. He will need that boat as he is swimming upstream trying to convince people that spending more money on stupid government projects will reduce inflation.

 Roosevelt couldn't spend his way out of a depression, Biden can't spend his way out of the mess he has created.

We keep sending Ukraine all of these high-tech weapons systems. Who is teaching the Ukrainians how to operate them? Or who is actually operating them?

Finally, this tribute to the insanity of liberals. (If only the creator had used Republican grammar.)