Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Earth Day

 Yesterday was Earth Day. I can't remember if today is Mars Day or Venus Day. In what order are we going through the planets? I am sure that we are not working in alphabetical order. 

I celebrated Earth Day by burning my last can of Freon. It was more than forty years old. It may have actually just died of old age. I was actually surprised to discover that I had a can remaining. That's what I get for spring cleaning a storage building. I did the same thing several years ago and I got an email from an acquaintance chastising me for harming the environment. I pointed out that they drove an SUV that would seat eight and they had never ventured off the pavement in that vehicle. That was the last email that I received from them.

Why is it that all of those who lecture us about saving the environment are traveling around by private jet? What do Taylor Swift, John Kerry and Bill Gates have in common? They all travel by private jet. It's like Kerry, Gates and hundreds of other rich people gather at Davos for the World Economic Forum to tell the rest of us how we need to save the Earth. We have to do it because they are too busy telling us how to live to actually set an example. So, the task of saving the planet is left to the lower income people? Sounds like that to me.

In the ninth grade, my science teacher was James Clark, who was also a retired Air Force colonel. I enjoyed Mr. Clark's class, which was more than I can say about the next four science classes that I took. One of Mr. Clark's favorite terms was "bad science". This was science that lacked the necessary facts behind it. Turn in a paper where you had jumped to a conclusion and Mr. Clark would reward you with "Bad Science" in a top corner of your paper.

Everyone from Al Gourd to the local weather wizard on the six o'clock news likes to talk about climate change. What they forget to tell us is that the climate is and always has been continually changing. 

Let's start with "global warming' which is being phased out in favor of "climate change". When was the last time that you heard anyone discuss the gazillion-ton animal in the room, the sun? You never hear about the sun. What is it that you think heats the earth? The sun is not a static situation that never changes. What doesn't change is the refusal by the "experts" to talk about it. We will cover that on a future Sunday.

Let's talk about temperature reporting. In the last couple of centuries, we have made a lot of improvements in the tools we use to measure temperature. Yet we compare our temperature readings today with those taken with completely different instruments more than a hundred years ago. "Bad Science". Are all of the temperature measuring stations using identical equipment today? No. Are all of the stations set up exactly the same? No.  Are they all measuring the temperature at the same distance from the ground? No. Monitoring stations and standards vary from country to country, yet we consider all results equally. 

Here's my biggest complaint. If I were doing a science project and wanted to compute the average temperature of the world, I would lay out a grid and take the temperatures at equal distances around the world. Is this how it is done? Of course not. They take temperatures at random sites around the world and then average them. Bad Science!! That's like checking random bank accounts and basing tax rates on those numbers. If our current practices are not acceptable in a ninth-grade science class, why the hell are we changing everything we do based on that data?

Earth Day is celebrated by "scientists" who decided on an outcome and then tried to make the numbers justify it. It's the old "hole in the ozone layer" story. We didn't have the technology to measure that two hundred years ago. Who could tell if it was there then? "Bad Science".

Al Gourd and his other jet-setting liberal friends are worried about how much they can convince us to do to maintain THEIR standard of living. They always want us to do more. Let's look at all of Al's predictions and measure his accuracy. That's what real scientists would actually do!

Let's bring back facts. Quit comparing today's temperatures with those taken more than one hundred years ago with different equipment and measurement standards. Set up a worldwide grid for measurements and then see how the "averages" change. Let's talk about the sun! 


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