Wednesday, November 21, 2018

US Hypocrisy and Kashoggi??

I screwed up and watched the news this evening. The media is alive with the sound of liberals and alleged conservatives ripping President Trump about Saudi Arabia. They are all enraged because Trump is not condemning the Saudis about the murder of Jamal Kashoggi.

Is the outrage all about Kashoggi because he wrote for the Washington Post?? Would there be any outrage if he wrote for the National Enquirer? Would anyone even care if he weren't a "journalist"?  Was he even a U.S. citizen? Sometime in the last couple of years, journalists have raised themselves and their co-workers to some sort of "god" status. Ask yourself, "Have the Saudis killed any other dissidents? Does anyone know or even care?" We only get reports when a "journalist" is killed.

We almost never hear about dissidents in African countries being killed. However, I am willing to bet that it happens every day. How about dissidents in China? How about dissidents in South American countries?? No, we only hear about those who write for the Washington Post. If Kashoggi was smart enough to write, he was smart enough to understand the risk. I think that it is terrible that anyone gets killed, but this has been blown way out of proportion.

Memo to the U.S. media and politicians: Clean up your own house first! The Internet is alive with stories of all of those who opposed the Clintons and ended up committing suicide. Are the House Democrats threatening to investigate that?? How about the FBI shooting Vicki Weaver? Wasn't that an assassination? Is she any less dead than Kashoggi? The United States government is outraged that the Saudis killed a dissident, yet have never told the truth about the government killing more than 80 dissidents at Waco in 1993. What's the hypocrisy level there?

When the government comes clean and tells the truth about Waco, we can talk about Kashoggi.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jim Acosta: Asshole, Egomaniac, or both??

CNN has filed suit against the White House and several people who work there for taking Jim Acosta's White House pass. CNN and others in the media would have you believe that this is about Jim Acosta's First Amendment rights. Nothing could be any more absurd than that claim.

Does Acosta have the right to come into your home or business and demand that you answer questions?? Do we not have the right to decide whether we want to be interviewed??  I don't believe that a law exists that requires the President to answer a particular reporter's question. I also doubt that there is a law requiring that Jim Acosta be allowed in the White House. CNN is free to send another reporter.

Actually, Acosta's problems are a result of his behavior at the White House. I watched it live on television and was stunned by Trump's patience. If I were in Trump's position. I would have had the Secret Service drag Acosta's  belligerent ass out of the building. It's not like this is the first time that Acosta has caused a controversy at the White House.

This is the problem with people in the media and other "special" groups. They just don't want the same rights and privileges that the average person has, they want more privileges and better rights. As an example, these groups demand to be protected from "hate speech" while the rest of us just have to listen to it. By now, even the slow among you can sense that I don't believe in all of these "special" protections.

Jim Acosta needs to learn how to behave in public and at his job. I spent my life in the restaurant business. You can bet your ass that I never had a server go to a table and say, "I challenge you to order correctly!"  Acosta started a "question" to the President of the United States by saying, "I want to challenge you."

My wife and I have visited the White House a couple of times. Let me assure you that if the President were to come into the room with the tour, no one is going to shout, "I want to challenge you" and stay on the tour. They would find themselves outside with a couple (or more) Secret Service agents determining whether or not they are going to jail. Why should Acosta be held to a lower standard of conduct?? Jim Acosta is not entitled to any more rights than I am. If John Q. Public is compelled to behave properly at the White House, so is Jim Acosta.

CNN should fire Acosta for embarrassing them with his performance at the White House. Of course, that would require them to have some sense of shame. Here's a question for CNN. If CNN fires Acosta or any reporter, are they violating his First Amendment rights in regards to "Freedom of the Press"?

Maybe I will just contact CNN and demand a chance to interview Acosta for my blog.