Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mommas, Don't take your babies to Biden rallies

 A couple of weeks ago in California, Creepy Joe struck again. At a rally, he walked up to a young girl and placed his hands on her shoulders. Then he told her "No serious guys until 30". He then repeated the remark to her. This is not Biden's first time doing this. Biden loves to touch young girls and I am talking about girls obviously under 18. He likes to get close enough to sniff their hair. He also does this to women of legal age. If Donald Trump had done this, the media would have gone wild. Why not talk about "Creepy Joe"?

This is the same Joe Biden who used to shower with his daughter, Ashley. She wrote about it in her diary which she left in a halfway house and then accused the finder of stealing it. We know that this is all true because the FBI violated several legal principles to recover her diary. This was the first time that the FBI was ever called upon to find a First Daughter's Diary. 

Today in New York Biden claimed in a speech that gas was $5 a gallon when he took office. The national average was actually $2.39 when he took office. One is left to assume that on January 20, 2021, all of the national media outlets furloughed their "fact checkers". We haven't heard from them since Biden killed the Keystone pipeline on Inauguration Day. 

Famed election denier Hillary Clinton claims that the Republicans are planning on stealing the 2024 election. Does anyone in the mainstream media ever consider challenging anything that Hillary says?

For Christmas all I want is for Elon Musk to buy a television network like ABC and send that group of Commie cunts on "The View" straight down the crapper.

I think that the leftist staff at Twitter is going to get an education about how real capitalism actually works in the near future.

I watched about three minutes of the debate between the Wizard of Oz and Uncle Fester the other night on the news. The Democratic National Committee needs to hire a reputable physician to screen high profile candidates. Even in crooked Pennsylvania, where the dead go to vote, I can't believe that someone could watch Fetterman for more than a minute and say, " Hell, yeah! That's the guy I want representing me in the Senate." Uncle Fester looked about as comfortable in a coat and tie as I would look with a goatee and tattoos. This guy made Biden look almost coherent.

I saw a Kathy Manning commercial a little earlier tonight. She was talking about the abortion rights bill that she had authored. Kathy's a lawyer, so I can only assume that she has not actually read the Supreme Court ruling that said the states, not the federal government, had the power to regulate abortions. Her bill, if it were to pass, is clearly unconstitutional. Of course, that's not anything that liberals worry about.

Liberals always talk about abortions that are needed in cases of rape or incest. I am just curious, out of the more than 700,000 abortions a year, how many are actually due to rape or incest? Have you ever heard this number cited? Of course not.

If you are a Democrat running for Congress and you call Biden or Harris to come campaign for you, don't bother contacting a realtor about a place to live in DC.

If you run into Ashley Biden at a rehab program, ask her if she and her father have showered together at the White House. 

Domestic Terrorist and Mega MAGA Maniac out.

Monday, October 17, 2022

To Tell the Truth??

 The alleged news media is awash with stories about Joe Biden switching from using a podium microphone to using a handheld microphone. They all claim that he is much more at ease speaking with the handheld microphone. That switching the type of microphone would result in this level of news coverage by the media says more about the banality of our news reporting than it does about microphones.

Why is this such a big story? Biden has been in public office for the last fifty years; did podium microphones suddenly change? If the goal was to make him more comfortable, why not just mic him up like they do on television shows? That way he won't need to hold anything. 

This is such a trivial detail that one wonders, what are they trying to really distract people from noticing? It's a rainy Monday morning here in Piedmont North Carolina, so I have time to go full conspiracy theory on this issue of national media interest. Let's get started!

Maybe the handheld microphone works like those training collars for dogs. If he starts talking about something that the handler doesn't approve, they hit him with a little voltage to stop his train of thought. The problem there is that with Biden's tendency to wander mentally and verbally, it would require a battery pack the size of a full field pack.

Maybe we need to shock the news media into reporting. The country is drowning in a sea of inflated prices and politicians want us to go to war for Ukraine, but here are the three items covered by the mainstream media this week. 1. Biden switched microphone types. 2. Biden ordered chocolate chip ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. 3. Biden ordered chicken enchiladas and paid for them himself. What's really going on in the world? These things should have only been news if Biden had ordered chicken enchiladas at Baskin-Robbins.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". While CNN focuses like a laser on Biden's choice of microphones, what else is going on in that scene? No one knows. We just know that Biden is actually "holding" a microphone. Will inflation start dropping? Who knows, but doesn't Biden look great holding that microphone? Yeah, so much for breaking news.

Here's my personal theory on this. Feel free to laugh it you want. I think that they have switched microphones because they have switched the person using the microphone. The media keeps saying "He is so much at ease with a handheld mic." That's because he's a different human being!!

More than fifty years ago at a Waffle House in Tampa, I met the "parade double" for Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame and fortune. It was early one morning, and he was in town to ride in a parade. He looked like Colonel Sanders to me, and I saw him from a distance of four or five feet. If The Colonel rates a double, surely the Commander-in-Chief does.  If there is a Biden double, he would not be the first world leader to have a double. There are doubles for actors, why not doubles for demented Democrats? "Demented Democrat Doubles"? That could be a new definition of 3-D.

Why switch microphones to use a double? Because you get him off the podium and into the crowd. At the podium, the cameras and the crowd focus on Biden. He is the center of attention at the podium. If he is in a crowd, there is not as much detail noticeable. The television audience is watching what is happening around Biden. The only time that they focus on Biden is when he eats chocolate chip ice cream. Let's face it, one demented old fart looks like every other old fart when they are eating ice cream.

I ran this theory by my censor, and they asked, "How does the double sound and talk like Joe Biden?" My response was simple, "Ever heard of Rich Little?" Rich Little has made his living for the past 60 years impersonating other people. Do you think that he is the only one with that talent?

Will they still roll out the real Joe for Presidential appearances? Yes, they have to keep him because he can't deliver the State of the Union speech wandering the House chamber carrying a microphone. 

All of this reminds me of the old television show "To Tell the Truth". Will the real President Biden please stand up?

Friday, October 14, 2022

We have traveled this road before

 I love history and the study of history. And yes, those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Our government is filled with slow learners.

Someone asked why I am opposed to the United States getting involved in the Ukraine- Russia situation. Really? Does someone with more than a room temperature IQ really want to know why I oppose our involvement in this mess?  Because we have traveled this road before.

The son of President Biden was involved in a Ukrainian energy company despite having absolutely no relevant experience in that business. The House of Representatives voted to impeach Donald Trump based on the testimony of Lt. Col. Vindman, a native of Ukraine. Trump had the audacity to inquire about corruption and the Bidens in the Ukraine. The House has taken no action against the Bidens. Ukraine is just the latest bastion of corruption that the United States has pledged to protect against Communism. We have traveled this road before.

Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine. We are just flirting with Syria. We haven't won a war since 1945 but we keep trying. We are heavily involved in regime change. Just for the record, this is like the guy down the street telling you how you should run your house. How's that working for you? 

Just for the record, democracy isn't right for everybody. There are some people incapable of or unwilling to operate their own government. Russia had a monarchy for centuries, maybe to them Communism is an upgrade. Is Putin better than a Czar or Tsar?

While Biden rails about Russians invading Ukraine, millions of foreigners are invading our country and Biden welcomes them. Nancy Pelosi said that we need them to harvest our crops. Will she be okay with the Ukraine situation if the Russians help with the harvest? How can an invasion of the United States be okay, but we are willing to fight to the death to keep Russians out of Ukraine? Maybe Biden should appoint Kameltoe Harris to be the border czar in Ukraine. Maybe the Russians should learn to make tacos and burritos. Does Putin have a good salsa recipe?

Americans depend on the news media for their information. The newspapers basically started the Spanish-American War. The newspapers led our charge into WW1, WW2, and Korea. CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post led the charge into battle in Iraq over weapons of mass destruction. Their story finally changed when they could not find anything to support this claim. The news media supported the war in Vietnam until they didn't. The media exists to sell their product and when people stop buying it, they change the news. We have traveled this road before.

Below is a picture of the front cover of Time magazine from October 22, 1965. The headline is "The Turning Point in Vietnam". The story inside tells us how the Viet Cong are on the run and the South Vietnam government is in control. About seven and a half years later, March 29, 1973, the last US combat troops finally left Vietnam. Two years later, the government of South Vietnam collapsed as the Communists took Saigon. If you missed the videos of this, it looks a lot like the evacuation of Afghanistan more than a year ago. We have traveled this road before. 

I used to counsel employees about issues at work and in their personal lives. I have also given this advice to family members, A couple of times, I may have taken that advice myself. The advice is, "The road that you are on is not going to take you to where you tell me that you want to go." Before we lose thousands of young Americans fighting a war to save the corrupt regime in Ukraine, ask this simple question, Is the road that we are on, going to take us to where we tell people that we want to go?

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thursday Thoughts 10.13

 Joe Biden claims that if Republicans are elected, prices will rise. This is the same guy who claimed a few weeks ago that there had been "zero inflation" in the previous month. This stupid SOB wouldn't know inflation if he sniffed its hair.

In Florida, some bleeding-heart liberal on the jury kept the Parkland shooter from getting the death penalty. The Florida legislature needs to change the law requiring a unanimous vote on this issue. In the meantime, we can only hope that this guy's fellow prisoners give him the Jeffrey Dahmer prison treatment. Sleep well, sweet prince!

Liz Cheney made the motion to subpoena Donald Trump to testify before the January 6 committee. With any luck, her father will take her hunting during the recess.

In an interview on the Communist News Network, Demented Joe said that his son Beau, was killed in Iraq. Beau actually died of brain cancer in Maryland, but at least Joe got the part about him being dead right.

Democrats are attacking Herschel Walker for suggesting that a girl get an abortion several years ago. They say that is is wrong for him to now be against abortion. A lot of people have positions that change over the years. Let's take Democrats as an example. In 1996, the Congress voted to approve the Defense of Marriage Act defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. 118 Democrats voted for that bill. Now they all claim to be willing to die for gay marriage. Among those 118 Democrats was Rep. Chuck Schumer. Let's ask Chuck why he changed his mind.

Two brothers grew up and moved away to pursue opportunities. The first became the vice-president of the United States. The other became an anchor at CNN. Neither was ever heard from again.

Biden said that he didn't want to talk to Putin unless it was about Brittney Griner. People may freeze in Europe this winter and Americans may pay $8 for gas, but Joe is going to get that America-hating, I-won't-stand-for-the-anthem, lesbian piece of crap back home. I can hardly wait.

Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party. What took so long Tulsi? 

Uncle Fester, the Demon-Crat candidate for the US Senate, needs to call it a campaign and try another year. You would think that the Dems realize that they are at their limit with people who are unable to understand simple questions and speak in complete sentences.

Twitter blocked the account of the Florida Surgeon General for posting results of a study on COVID vaccines. They unlocked it the next day. Liberals are trying to make different opinions illegal. They might want to study that history of fascism one more time. Here's a hint guys; you are the fascists.

Maybe the Democrats will nominate Liz Cheney for President in 2024. Actually, Cheney's family is a prime example of how we are moving to the Communist system with a ruling class. They just claim to be different parties for fun.

More foreigners have crossed our southern border into our country in the last year than have crossed into Ukraine from Russia. Yet we support the Ukrainians throwing those people out of their country. But we won't do that here.

We are going to change that plaque at the Statue of Liberty from "yearning to be free" to "yearning for free shit".

How many troops do we have in Ukraine training the Ukrainians in how to use that equipment that we are sending them? 

Finally, a note to headline writers, If the candidate's lead in a poll is less than the margin of error, they aren't in the lead. 


Monday, October 10, 2022

Texas Pete and the New Standard for Frivolous Lawsuits?

This week in California an idiot, Phillip White, represented by the Clarkson Law Firm, ambulance chasers, filed suit against the makers of Texas Pete Hot Sauce. They want the firm to change the name of their product because it is not made in Texas. They want class action damages for the trauma caused by the stupidity of Californians who cannot read the label on the bottle telling them that the product is made in North Carolina.

Here's some more product information that Californians, who are obviously the dumbest folks on God's green earth, need to know. 

The California Angels are not real Angels. The San Francisco Giants are not real giants. Most of them are average height. The San Francisco 49ers are not real 49ers. Most of the real 49ers died looking for gold in the 19th century. Not only that, but they don't even play in San Francisco. The Los Angeles Dodgers aren't dodging anything. Judging by their record, the Oakland Athletics are barely athletic. The Los Angeles Lakers have nothing to do with lakes. The Golden State Warriors have never fought an actual war. Not only that, but California is hardly "golden". The Dallas Cowboys are neither real cowboys nor do they actually play in Dallas. The New Orleans Saints are far from being Saints, The Atlanta Falcons and the Seattle Seahawks aren't really birds. The Carolina Panthers play more like pussycats, but does any law firm in California care? What do the Washington Commanders command? Is the Clarkson Law Firm suing any of these folks?

Just for my last shot at sports, this thought. For some unknown reason, NASCAR races in California. The Chevrolets, Fords, and Toyotas that they race are not real Chevrolets, Fords, and Toyotas. Does the Clarkson Law Firm know this?

Here's some more food facts for Californians who think that Texas Pete must be made in Texas. French fries aren't made in France. Swedish pancakes aren't made in Sweden. Belgian waffles aren't made in Belgium. Texas toast isn't all from Texas. Kansas City BBQ sauce isn't all from Kansas City. There's no rib in a McRib. There is no actual part of a chicken called the "tender". New England clam chowder is not all from New England. New York strips are never raised in New York City. Manhattan Clam Chowder is not made in Manhattan. Most Kentucky Fried Chicken is not cooked in Kentucky. Church's Chicken is not from a church and Popeye has nothing to do with the chicken at Popeye's. Mr. Bojangles neither plays music nor dances at Bojangles Chicken & Biscuits, The French Toast at IHOP is not from France. For you real morons in California, the Waffle House is not made out of waffles. Hawaiian Punch is not from Hawaii, it started in California!!  Almost 90 years later, no one has sued them. Is there a home field advantage here?

When did you last see a bottle of Russian dressing that was actually from Russia? Is Ranch Dressing made on a ranch? Where's the manufacturing source for French and Italian dressing? Is all of that imported? Are there really a thousand islands in a serving of 1000 Island dressing?  Is White House vinegar made at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Are Buffalo wings all made in Buffalo? Do we even want to discuss Boston butts? 

Here's my last shot at Californians and food. Is Taco Bell really Mexican food or have they been deceiving people? Taco Bell was started 60 years ago by Glen Bell. Glen had served as a cook in the Marine Corps in World War 2. He had a couple of other fast-food places before opening Taco Bell in 1962. The world's biggest Mexican food chain was started by a white guy. Who knew?

By now even the slow among you get the point. The Clarkson Law Firm should be dissolved for filing such a frivolous suit and compelled to compensate the folks at Texas Pete for any expenses they incur in defending themselves from "California Dreamers' looking for an easy payday. Phillip White should be sentenced to stand on a street corner in Los Angeles holding a sign that reads, "Will work for Brains".

Friday, October 07, 2022

At Least?

 Today in Maryland, Joe "The National Joke" Biden said, "I have two words, made in America". At least, no one asked him how old he is.

Say what you want about Donald Trump's children, at least they weren't crackheads.

Say what you want about Jimmy Carter, at least Billy wasn't selling access to Jimmy for foreign businessmen.

Say what you want about Ivanka Trump, at least she's not as homely as Chelsea Clinton or Amy Carter.

Say what you want about Melania Trump, at least she never had to go to the podium to guide Donald offstage.

Patti Davis was always a problem for Ronald and Nancy Reagan, but at least she posed nude in Playboy. Thank God that Chelsea and Amy didn't.

Say what you want about Sarah Sanders, at least she never had to explain why the President was looking for dead people in a crowd of live ones.

Say what you want about OPEC, at least they ignored Biden saying, "Nobody fucks with a Biden".  Of course, so did the Taliban, Putin, and scores of other people and countries.

We may have lost over 50,000 young American lives  in Vietnam, but at least we have a source for cheap shoes now.

Say what you will about Biden's ridiculous energy policy, at least gas only went up 30 cents a gallon yesterday.

Say what you will about Dr. Jill Biden, at least she's not the Surgeon General. Yet? Thanks, Whoopee.

Say what you will about Merrick Garland, at least there's still time to impeach him.

Say what you want about Biden's Independence Hall speech, at least he didn't shout in German while waving his arms and shaking his fists.

Say what you will about Karine Jean-Pierre, at least she really is the worst White House Press Secretary since 1865.

Joe Biden may be a pervert, child molester, and a crooked politician, at least he doesn't post "mean tweets".