Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday, Satireday

 We all think that when a UFO lands and someone comes out of it to talk to us, that alien is going to look like ET, some character from Star Trek or even the robot from Lost in Space. Maybe it will look like Rachel Levine, the Surgeon General. Of course. Biden picked a surgical experiment as Surgeon General.The smart money is betting that the space alien will look like Barack Obama.

Until he became President, Obama was the perfect human as far as environmentalists were concerned. He had been on the planet for 47 years and had left absolutely no trace behind him. If you don't believe that, try to find any concrete evidence of his first twenty years of life. Find someone who was in a class at school with him when he was in high school. Of course, he has made up for that since his election in 2008 by destroying the strongest nation on earth and leaving evidence everywhere. 

I saw an alleged "news story" where Barack and his wife "Big Mike" endorsed Kamala Harris. In the video, Kamala has the phone up near her ear while we hear the Obamas on "speaker phone". What moron holds the phone to their ear with it on speaker phone? Wait! The answer was in my previous sentence.

My beloved and I spent the last couple of days experiencing the US 21 "road sale". It's a 100 mile stretch of yard sales in the mountains and foothills of Virginia and North Carolina. We didn't see a hint of a Kamala sign. On the other hand, scores of vendors were selling Trump merchandise. 

You can get more info on the US 21 Road Market at 

Kamala is trying to reach the top of the political heap after starting from a position flat on her back. Thank God that she had Willie Brown on her side. And on her top and on her back. It was San Francisco. She was lucky that Brown even appointed a heterosexual woman to a board.

I am sure that Kamala was not drawn to Brown, a man twice her age, by his political position and power. I am checking with my other short, fat, old guy friends to see how many of them are besieged by attractive women half our age wanting us to be their lovers. So far, exactly zero have experienced that. There is still time to contact me if this has happened to you.

Dims claim that Harris is not a socialist. It was just an accident that she voted more to the left than Bernie Sanders. Bernie is the only avowed Socialist in the Senate. With Sanders and his wife having gone to Moscow on their honeymoon, that status is not even questionable. So, is Kamala a Socialist? Do bears do it in the woods?

Today at the US 21 Road Sale, I bought some old political buttons. I picked up a "Kennedy '80" button. There are those who believe that Ted Kennedy's campaign against Jimmy Carter for the nomination may have caused Carter to lose the general election. I still think it was the hostages in Iran. As hard as it is to believe, Kennedy's campaign slogan was "Teddy is ready". Maybe he just wasn't ready to "cross that bridge" to the Presidency.


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