Friday, July 26, 2024

Haters, Hypocrites and Half-Wits

 Of course, I am writing about the Democratic Party or as they should be known, "The New Nazis." Democrats are bringing antisemitism to heights not seen since the glory days of Adolf Hitler.

On Wednesday Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel spoke to a joint session of Congress. More than 100 Congressional Democrats boycotted the session. Kamala Harris skipped his appearance to speak to a sorority in Indiana. That's a pretty good indicator of her priorities. Biden did not attend. They are all unhappy with how Israel is handling their war in Gaza. They want Israel out of Gaza. As my mom used to say "People in hell want ice water."

For Democrats to demand that Israel withdraw from Gaza is to ignore the reality of history. The United States was in Afghanistan for twenty years after the 9/11 attacks. We still have troops in Iraq. Yet less than ten months after Hamas attacked Israel and slaughtered more than a thousand Israelis, Democrats are demanding that Israel get out of Gaza. What's the hurry? When their supporters burn and loot cities, Democrats call that "urban renewal". Israel isn't destroying Gaza, it is "re-imagining" the future appearance of Gaza.  

Democrats need to win Michigan and Minnesota in the Presidential election this year. Michigan has a large Arab population, so Democrats are throwing Israel overboard. This is just a side effect of a failed immigration system. Arabs think that their hatred of Jews should be required behavior for all of us. They are wrong.

In 1979 and 1980, after Iranians seized more than fifty hostages at the US embassy in Iran, Americans were outraged. There was a day by day count by the media of how long the hostages were held by the Iranians. Why aren't they doing this about the Americans being held hostage by Hamas? Even Jimmy Carter had the balls to at least attempt a rescue. The failure of that raid may have cost Carter the election. A few weeks ago, the Israeli army staged a raid in Gaza and freed a few Israeli hostages. Where's our "world's best military" been since October 7?  Are they "missing in non-action"? Hamas is holding 8 American citizens hostage. Two hundred years ago, we sent the US Navy and the USMC to Tripoli to kick some asses for doing the same thing. Those eight Americans are paying the price for a demented old man letting his wife make the decisions so that the world won't know that he is senile.  We all know anyway, but some Dims just won't admit it.

The majority of Jews have traditionally supported Democrats. Like they do with the blacks, Democrats take the Jewish vote for granted. It's time for Jews to look for a political party that is actually acting to help them and not just taking their votes for granted.

It's time for the Biden-Obama Justice department to take action against all of these antisemitic protesters. on college campuses. You can bet your ass that if white college students were protesting and calling for the deaths of blacks, the Justice Department would be all over them. But there are blacks and Arabs calling for the deaths of Jews and Merrick Garland is sitting with his thumb up his ass. This is that two tier justice system that liberals deny exists in this country.

Let's clean up the environment on college campuses. They can start by enforcing the laws. Then start deporting these haters who are here on student visas. Let them go home and pull this shit and see what happens.

I am fascinated that after being told that the Republican Party is made up of racists and haters, it turns out that the racists and haters are all in the Democratic party. Liberals are just bigots who lie about it. 


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