Monday, July 22, 2024

What else are they lying about?

 In a written statement on "official" stationery, Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he would not be a candidate for President. I don't want to sound cynical, but Helen Keller could have seen this coming.  Somewhere Corn Pop is breathing a sigh of relief. The folks who "sign" Biden's speeches for the deaf are somewhere screaming "Free at last!"

In 1968 when Lyndon Johnson announced that he would not run, he did it live on television. In contrast, Biden appears to barely be alive. Biden issued an endorsement for Kameltoe Harris a short time after announcing his own demise. That's like getting a cruise recommendation from the captain of the Titanic.

The Democrats have maintained for months that Biden was "at the top of his game". Those around him kept telling us about how he was so energetic that they couldn't keep up with him. Memo to morons/Dims: If you can't keep up with Biden, get into a twelve-step program. Of course, twelve steps are ten more than Joe can take. Have you seen the video of him getting into a Suburban last week?

For the last three and a half years the taxpayers have been subsidizing the world's most expensive dementia treatment center at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It now turns out that the "naysayers" were all correct about Biden. It's hard to be wrong when you see the evidence live on television.

This coverup of Biden's mental condition makes Watergate look like a third-rate burglary. Wait!! Nixon already said that. Every time that Republicans screw up the media calls it "(insert scandal here) gate". So, obviously this is Biden-gate or more honestly "dementia-gate". Let's hold some Congressional hearings so that the Dims can tell a lot more lies!

The taxpayers need to file a lawsuit against the Democratic Party for fraud. Those people have lied and then lied about lying. This may be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated against the American public. Those responsible must be held accountable for this. The Democrats put the old carnival barkers pitching freak shows to shame. At least, the barkers would let you look after you paid them. They still haven't pulled back the curtain on the real Joe Biden.

Now they are building up Kamala Harris as some kind of leader who is really smart. She hides it well. I don't think that Kamala could spell "cat," if you spotted her the "c" and the "a". I don't understand how anyone could question her leadership abilities since she did such an incredible job as the "Border Czar". Kamala's performance in that job serves as a reminder of why they overthrew the last Czars in Russia. The only difference between Kacklin' Kamala and Biden is which Obama is pulling the strings.

They had Biden run in 2020 from his basement. When it became obvious that they couldn't pull off that strategy this year, they pulled the plug on the Biden campaign. I guess that the White House basement was not available.

Why didn't the media report Biden's condition? Are they going to hang Karine Jean-Pierre for lying or is she moving to Florida to sell time shares? Is Jill still going to be President for the next six months? What day this week will Hunter be pardoned? Will there be mass suicides at MSNBC? Is Joy Reid flying to Guyana to channel the spirit of Jim Jones? Can Rachel Madcow get her old job back at the Dairy Queen? Is NBC looking for model rocket motors to put on Joe Biden? Can MSNBC's ratings drop any lower? Can the average IQ of their viewers drop any lower? Will the Center for Disease Control formally declare Trump Derangement Syndrome to be an epidemic? Will Dr. Fauci make millions from a vaccine for TDS? Or will he keep his job as a spokesman for Hair Club for Men?

Let's line up the polygraph machines and start asking the Democratic leaders and media members some questions about Biden-gate. That could be a new game show on Fox. 

What happens if Biden wakes up today and says, "What do you mean I decided not to run?"

Is this the end of the lies from the news media? Of course not. Today they just start lying about their new favorite puppet.


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