Friday, July 12, 2024

Ridin' with Biden! Really?

 A few days ago, Congressman Jim Clyburn was asked if he still supported Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate. Clyburn's much-repeated response was. "We're ridin' with Biden." I will just point out that the last time I saw Biden riding a bicycle, he fell over. But that's just me.

Last night's much heralded press conference was billed by the Biden lackeys as a "Big Boy press conference". I watched the press conference. We need to sue those lackeys for fraud.

First, as the press conference started, Biden announced that he had a list of reporters who had been selected to ask questions. It's pretty likely that if you have picked who is going to ask the questions, you already know what the questions are going to be. Given that the Biden campaign recently sent a couple of radio stations questions that they should ask in an interview, this is not some kind of wild ass claim.

If any reporter in attendance had any courage, they should have stood up and walked out of the room when Biden announced they he had a list of reporters to call on for questions. I am not sure that courage is a quality of many media types.

Democrats are claiming that because Biden did not freeze up, he did just fine I can only assume that they did not actually watch the press conference. I watched the entire event, and I was left wishing I had taken the dog out for her to take a shit instead. That press conference was an hour of my life that I wasted and will never get back.

Someone in the Biden Administration needs to tell Joe that his whispering during speeches is not making him look any better. He's no "Whispering Bill Anderson". Neither does his obsession with Donald Trump's golf game. Trump offered to donate a million dollars to the charity of Biden's choice if Biden could beat him at golf. Biden should just accept the challenge. I don't know how long it has been since Biden last played golf, but I heard that playing golf is like riding a bicycle. I think that Trump's million dollars is safe.

In other news from yesterday, in an appearance before a Congressional committee, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell said that he has not had a meeting or any communication with President Biden in more than two years. I understand that the Federal Reserve is an independent agency but given the state of the economy, one might think that the President might want to talk to Powell occasionally.

It was also pointed out that Biden has not held a Cabinet meeting since October 2023. Back when I was working at a "real job", I worked as a store manager for Bojangles. Every Monday afternoon, we had an area managers meeting. Does the Cabinet need to meet weekly? Why not? I am not talking about a "Zoom" meeting or a "Teams" meeting. I am talking about a live, face to face meeting. Zoom meetings are a phone call with pictures. It just doesn't have the impact of a real meeting. Nobody is going to show up for a real meeting wearing a dress shirt and boxer shorts. That's unless Jill doesn't check Joe's wardrobe before he heads out the door. When you have to discuss something in a face-to-face environment, I think that you are going to be more involved. Let's face it, what they are doing now is not working.

If Democrats think that Biden's "press conference" cleared anything up, they need to take another shot of the Kool-Aid. If Joe changed any minds last night, it was him losing supporters.


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